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First Trip To The Vet


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I was surprisingly amazed to find an Avian Vet in Kuwait that seems to know what he is doing and genuinely seems to care.


I took Sukei in for a few things.... one to have that band removed from her leg, it was causing her no end of frustration. Two to get her checked for scratching and itching. Three to get her/him DNA sexed.


I also ended up getting her tested for Avian beak and feather disease which is prevalent here .


I was going to have the chip put in for the eventual trip home, but this is what made me understand the vet actually cared and was not just trying to jack up the bill.... he said PLEASE wait another 5 or 6 months as he thinks she will still grow a little bigger and that it is a fairly traumatic ordeal, and I agreed.


He confirmed what I had suspected, that based on her behavior and the band that she was probably wild caught. But he did say that she was remarkably well behaved for what he has seen come out of the Avian trader market. Said to him it was a crime, but it isnt like you can just put them back, they probably wouldn't survive.


He said over all she seemed to be in perfect health and nutritionally we were doing all the right things.


He put Travipharm/Ivermectin drops on her neck and will repeat again next week.


He gave me a tip on the spray bottle that I had not read before.... put a little vinegar in with the water.


Scratching down by 90%.


Get the test results back from Germany in 2 or 3 weeks.


We forge on :)

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Sounds like a great vet trip.

Have you found anything out about bringing her home yet ??


Working on two possible exit strategies. It all depends on how/when my deployment ends.


I am sure of one thing....... she is coming with me one way or the other :)


And thanks for asking, I appreciate it, and I am sure Sukei does too :)

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It may comfort you to know that when I had Misty micro chipped a couple of years ago there was no drama at all. In fact He had to have it done twice because the first chip failed. The vet told me that the first one may have been to close to the skin so it got scratched out. But in both cases putting the chip in did not bother Misty at all although other than beak rubs and neck scritches he does not like any part of his body touched.

I the vet discovered that the first chip had failed or disappeared during a general precautionary check up.


Steve n Misty

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I have had all three of my parrots micro-chipped. My TAG, Ana Grey, weighs in at about 300 grams. There were no after effects or effects of any sort. They did not care and have had no problems. Ana Grey is now 5 years old and has had her chip for over 3 1/2 years.

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Its always so wonderful when you find a good vet who seems to care and someone you can trust as many of us have not found that to be the case since avian vets are scarce especially in the more rural areas. Its also good to hear that Sukei is healthy and doing well, that speaks highly of you for you have taken good care of him/her.

I have no doubt that when you leave Kuwait it will not be alone, Sukei is coming too one way or the other, you don't break up a couple.

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Well, the Vet called..... I am happy on one hand and a bit befuddled on the other....


First and most important, no virus.....:D


But it turns out that she is a he........


Anyone ever heard of a boy named Sukei? That is kinda like Johnny Cash, a boy named Sue LOL.

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The thought never crossed my mind to change his name, he already knows his name.....


I'm not going to screw up his head LOL.


I think folks that have a parrot as a conversation piece might, but not someone that cares for them like family :)

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Good news about no virus, and what's in a name anyway? I have no idea what gender Timber is, though we always refer to him as "he." If he/she lays an egg, guess we'll know for sure! I plan to have him tested at some point. I have one of those "I think he's a boy" situations (from the previous homes). Ah well! It's all good :)

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