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Terrible Twos Turn-Around


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Last month I posted about Gracie being kind of a snot. It resulted in a bite to my lip when she "lured" me into a kiss by saying "Gracie wanna kiss. No Bite. Trust." Well, I have to say, she has made a complete turnaround in the last few weeks. Now, I don't trust her enough to get my face near her, but she has been the sweetest, most adorable little girl lately. She hasn't even nipped me in weeks. The most she does is say "Ah Ah" and does a half-hearted bluff nip that doesn't even touch me--no contact at all. She often asks for kisses, but since I don't allow them anymore, she has changed her tactics. She says, "Gracie wants touch. Touch Daddy." I go to her with my hand or my shoulder, and she reaches out with her beak and gently rubs my hand or shoulder very sweetly. No attitude, no attempts at bites. It just warms my heart. Now this may all change tomorrow and BirdZilla may return, but for now it seems she has learned that bites are not a game. What I sort of feel bad about is that when she asks for kisses, she always says "Gracie sorry. Sorry." But I still won't go there for a kiss. Shoulder and hand touches are all that is on the menu.

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LOL to Birdzilla. I think birdzilla is always right under the surface with most of our birds. I always remember members here saying they are always wild, not domesticated, and we need to remember that. I'm reminded when Timber does something totally unexpected after weeks of "normal" behavior. I'd love to know what he is really thinking and what causes that behavior!

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My Greycie has gotten used to me grabbing her can opener between my thumb and forefinger so I have a solid hold and then I'll give her a soft kisses on her cheek, forhead etc..., careful not to make a loud sound because her ear hole is nearby. When she's real sweet in the evenings I can talk to her real softly in the same spot but without the grip on the can opener. Usually when I do this she's upside down in my lap either by her idea or mine. She got me once by accident on the lip - didn't mean to I don't think - but I now resort to controlling her can opener whenever it's near my face.

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So good to hear that Gracie is sorry, she should be. Before you start feeling too bad about her saying it to you, Gilbert at first said sorry in a way that would just melt my heart and invoke instant forgiveness and trust until he said sorry then bit my lip. I am really impressed that you have been firm with her and doubly impressed that she is responding so beautifully. But for the understanding the two of you have with one another, this could have been the start to a rough patch. You have been so kind and understanding and Gracie responds to that. You are a great team.

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Jeff So happy Gracie is back! I knew she would be. The terrible two's are really horrible. As time goes on, and you learn to trust her again, and she remains " constant", you may find yourself kissing her beak again.I can't imagine life without my eskimo kisses constantly. BUT.... it took several years.Gracie will eventually deserve your full trust. It takes time. I know she is a snuggler at heart. Maturity will get her there. Nancy

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