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Getting to know Baby Echo


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It's been three days since we brought Echo home. I am no longer super nervous about caring for such a small baby (8weeks). We are still figuring out the feeding thing. It seems like Echo likes a little formula in the morning, a huge feeding in the afternoon, and a slightly smaller one before bedtime. When he starts to get hungry, he makes the cutest cheepy sounds that turn into full blown LOUD cheeps if I put him off. Today, he actually try to fly to me to get my attention because he thought he was starving. I was gone for a few hours today and when I got home and Echo heard the keys in the door, he started cheeping very loudly.


I did figure out that Echo is not too good at moving around on his perches yet, and basically stays on the same place in his cage where I put him until I come get him again. That would explain why he was so hungry earlier as he couldn't get to his food. I rearranged some perches to make it easier for him to access the food. We will see how long it takes for him to figure out where to find the food!


Radar thinks the new baby is awesome. He is enamored by the orange on Echo's wing. Unfortunately, the baby is not that into Radar and yells at him when he gets close. Radar then looks taken aback and chastised. It's quite funny. I have had to make sure to keep the two separated though because Radar tried to bite Echo's leg.


A few minutes ago my oldest son, age 16, tried to talk to the baby, and Radar, who does NOT like Andrew too much charged him because he was too close to the baby. It was funny! Radar ran across the jungle gym and the top of Echo's cage at Andrew and tried to snap at him. I think it's cool he feel protective of Echo. I will just keep my eye on him to make sure the protectiveness doesn't get out of hand!


So, anyways, We are still getting to know all the little sounds and personality of our new baby. I figure it'll get easier as we go. Also, Echo is so different than Radar was as a baby. It's like a whole new world all over again. I'm glad I am out of school for a few weeks to work on helping Echo settle in.


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