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Vegemite/Marmite- ok for birds?


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Oh how narrowminded of you Birdgranna. and this from a nation that declared boiled ocra eatable. :laugh:


Of course, every nation has its "ukk" foods. But vegemite? - you either love it or hate it. I gave some to a (american)friend to try - and he went and brushed his teeth.!!How rude!!!:pinch:


My f-i-l loved the stuff. Even I wondered what was wrong with him. :P

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Well, it is definitely an acquired taste, which I don't have for it, but if your wanting a good pregnancy as far as some of the "Health?" benefits go..


Kraft currently advertises Vegemite as both healthy and a great snack for pregnant moms. One serving of about a teaspoon or five grams has 30% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of folic acid or folate, which is an important nutrient, especially for women trying to get pregnant. Women who take the RDA of folic acid, prior to getting pregnant, have a much lower incidence of bearing children with a variety of birth defects.


Vegemite is also low in fat, and contains about the same sodium content as a glass of milk. So though it tastes fairly salty, it is really not high in sodium or fat. Though a good source of several B vitamins, Vegemite is not particularly high in protein. On its own or served with bread, it doesn’t necessarily make for a protein rich meal.


So maybe it's like the pregnant women and pickle craving, but in the UK and Australia it's a Vegemite craving ;-)


I don't think I would give it to my Grey though as others have indicated.

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hehehe - when I was a kid, I would lick it off my finger - and the cats and dogs would go onto the counters to get it. Never had to worry about cleaning the knife off :whistle:


I finally did give Beck a taste on whole wheat/grain bread, and since I just put a scrap on, I figured it wouldn't do much harm.

How come the little horror won't eat anything else with that much enthusiasum!:S

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