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Echo is home!


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We brought home our new orange wing today! He is 8 weeks old and on two feedings a day. He is beautiful! Introductions to Radar (CAG 10 months) have gone well. They were both curious, and Radar seemed excited to see another bird. I have them separated at the moment, but in the same room.

I do have one question though: Should I quarantine the new baby?


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I am kinda concerned that Echo is very young. I got him from a bird store who also has an aviary. I knew that he wasn't as cared for as Radar, who had cuddles and story time and stuff everyday. Echo, a age 8 weeks, according to the lady I bought him from, is only on 2 feedings a day and only because she was concerned the babies were not drinking enough water. She said he should be weaned very soon. Last night and this morning he wasn't all that into the formula, but when we got home from church this afternoon, he was HUNGRY! and he let everyone know. He took double the amount the lady at the store said he usually does, and then proceeded to eat more pellets. I have yet to see him drink water though. I think I will offer him three feedings a day unless he says otherwise.

Echo seems so very young compared to Radar. It's like having a newborn again! I am glad I am able to feed him at home here because I feel like he will get way more love and attention here than in a cage at a bird store.


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Right now, echo is getting all the water needed from the hand feeding. As you start cutting back on the feedings per day, he will start drinking water if he gets thirsty. Eights week is still young and requires hand feeding. If he is eating regular food as you described. It may only be a 3 or 4 more weeks before he eats mostly regular food and starts declining the hand feeds.

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