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Bonding that is cracking me up


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Newton is totally cracking me up and I have to tell you about it.


Since Newton came home I have admittedly been spoiling him. I spend a couple (ok several) hours letting him sit on my shoulder and he likes to hold his head close to my face a nibble a little and does like a spurring/ growling thing, not aggressively but I think he continues because it just cracks us up. Does anyone else's bird respond this way, I have never heard a bird sort of spurr/growl.


Also he definately believes our food is his food. I am really glad that I try and eat healthy. Last night I made Hobo stew and he nose dived for the bowl and I am very glad that my husband was slightly faster or he would have burnt his little beak. Anyone else raising a little feathered human? :laugh:

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Yes to raising a "little feathered human" (too funny). I have never heard them referred to like that. But it is so true.

They are smarter than alot of people I know.

Radar doesn't do the spur/growl thing, but he does like to be cuddled and snuggled.

Some people will probably disagree, but I don't think you should have any animal if you don't spoil it a little. Every day when I get home I have to take about an hour with Radar, we have to have rubs and cuddles and baby talk. Then we can have dinner.

They are amazing little creatures. Enjoy Newton.<br><br>Post edited by: radar, at: 2007/10/23 13:40

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Are you kidding, yes I think we all are raising "little feathered humans" and we are all spoiling them rotten, I don't know any other way to handle it but like that.


I think I can relate to the sounds your Newton is making, they probably all do it but we as individuals describe it with different words. So glad you are enjoying your little feathered human and glad you could share one of his lovely moments with us.:)

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Thanks, he is such a delight with his verbalizations of love. Plus he is so cuddely (atleast for now). When he gets tired you can tell because he wants you to hold and stroke his beak while he closes his eyes. My husband loves this now if I could only train my husband to rub my feet when I am tired.:evil:

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Hi Cyard,


Dayo does the same, he loves to sit on the shoulder and nestle his head up against your face. Makes little clucking sounds, high pitched cheeps and I swear a sound that almost sounds like a short little Cat purr.


Maybe if Kim chirped, purred and nestled a little more against my cheek. I might by coaxed into some feet rubbing ;-)

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Yes, Klaus does that. During his mellower moods, he'll sit on my shoulder & rub his neck into my neck. And I think he tried to regurgitate for me the other day. It certainly looked like he was about to vomit (but didn't). Then I realized he was probably trying to tell me he loves me. I hope. :side:

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