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Chewing at wing tips?


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Radar has a mini clip, only first three feathers on each side. He's been clipped like that since he was about 8 weeks old. Lately, I have noticed that the tips of those clipped wings are ratty looking and he has been chewing on them. Should I be concerned?


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There's really nothing you can do to stop it and it happens often with clipped or unclipped birds. The time to worry is when he starts chewing on the lower shaft which is far away from where you're talking about. It'll stop. There's a chance that the feathers he's chewing on are dying. You can keep them moist with water but that won't necessarily stop him from doing that. Clipped wings die more quickly than unclipped wings. The tips of those clipped wings may be pinching him or may not be in the order of the rest of the wings. Some greys and other parrots do that to more than just wing feathers. So, just keep an eye on them and don't make a big fuss. You can distract him by adding a small piece of wood to chew on. They like wood and usually destroy it.

Edited by Dave007
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