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Watching your amazon eat

Ray P

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Have you ever taken the time to watch your amazon eat ?

Cricket is a messy eater until she finds something she likes and that can change from day to day.

Normally when Cricket eats there is food all over the place and I mean up to 5 feet away from her cage.

She looks like a trencher digging a trench as the food comes flying out of her food dish until she finds that one special piece, that morsel of food that hits her fancy on that day.

She will pick it out with her beak and than hold it with her foot and eat every morsel from her foot and not drop one single crumb. She will eat it very slowly like she is enjoying every mouth full and when she is done, she will dive into her food dish throwing food all over the place again.

That favorite morsel of food will change from day to day. One day it`s a carrot and the next day it`s something else

It`s a lot of fun watching her enjoy her meals and I often sit and watcher as she eats and having a great time.

I know you don`t think that I have much of a life because I enjoy watching her eat, but Have you ever taken the time to watch your amazon eat ?? You might enjoy it.

Edited by Ray P
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Nilah LOVES to eat. she takes great care in not dropping a crumb, and is very slow with her eating. She will try anything & everything. She is the neatest of all my flock, doesn't ever fling her food, she doesn't want to waste any..... Rikki LOVES to throw food on the floor, especially when it includes the plates & bowls!

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