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Dorian's arrival


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Well, I moved Dorian from the Pet Store home yesterday. Actually had to do it in two stages. Moved him from his big cage to a sleep cage in the store on Saturday so that I could disassemble and clean the big cage. It hadn't been thouroughly cleaned in over a year! So he was already quite freaked out. Getting him out of the sleep cage and into the travel crate yesterday was also not fun, but at least when he got home his familiar cage with his toys and everything set up the same way as usual was here ready for him, and he went right in. He does seem a little thrown by how clean everything is!


It's hard to see that he no longer trusts my hand inside the cage because of this weekend. I have to open the door to change his water and when I did that this morning he gave me a bite, not bad, but hard enough to draw a bit of blood. (I didn't react, just said no and walked away) He has, however, let me feed him a peanut and a walnut through the bars, and even let me scratch his head, so I'll have to content myself with this for awhile I guess.


I put him to bed very early last night, at 7:30, but that's late for him because he's used to lights out at the store at 6:00. I've spent the morning with him, talking and sitting by the cage, but I have to leave for 2-3 hours this afternoon and I'm already feeling guilty, he's been through so much. He has a history of 'turning' on people and not forgiving perceived slights, but I don't want him to think I'll be beside his cage all day every day. He's never seen tv before, so I've left the small set on in the room. I don't have cartoon network so I've just left it softly on CNN.


I guess I'm just looking for reassurance and advice/tips on how to make him feel safe and happy.

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p.s. I move around the basement quite a bit from office to living room to studio. His cage is on wheels. I'm wondering which is better, moving him when I'm going to be staying in one space for a while, or working in the next room and calling and talking to him.

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I think you are on the right track, and he will adjust to his new environment with a little time and patience. The nip was just a test to see if you would react to it and since you didn't he will probably give up on that.


I would gradually work on delaying his bedtime to a later time now that he is in a home setting, it will be better if he can adjust to maybe 8 or 9 pm or later, it will give you more time with him if you work during the day.


I wouldn't move his cage around, I would put it where it gives him the max exposure to where you are and when you are out of his sight and he calls for you just answer him for his reassurance.

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You could get some smaller playstands for the other rooms so you can sometimes bring him in there. He does need to get used to not having to be in the same room as you though also.


Just a word on CNN...there are some pretty scary stories/videos on there (people running around, fires, gun shots/war stuff, etc.) You might be better off with a regular channel...we have a public tv station (channel 2) that has kids cartoons during the day, Mr. Rogers, things like that. Just check the listings for the day because you never know what they may pick up...don't want to mistakenly have it where Jerry Springer might be on! Yikes! :blush: (of course, the bird wouldn't learn to swear, but it might start making the "bleep" sound all the time!)


Maybe CNN has toned down...i just used to find it depressing. Just my two cents, that's all.


warmest regards,


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Thank you. I'll try TVOntario, our public station. I want to eventually be able to take him from room to room on playstands, but right now he's terrified of any perch except the long dowel in his cage. I have a small concrete perch and a long manzanita branch, but if you bring anything stick like, even a broom, anywhere near his cage he retreats as far as he can. I'll look around on the site to find tips on reducing that fear. I'm a new parent and I'm hungry for all the advice you can offer me:cheer:


Another question. Dorian loves shredding paper. Is coloured dollar store tissue paper safe incase he swallows some?

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Congrats on bringing Dorian home. I am very glad to hear that he has a good safe home. I think you are doing a very good job especially at being patient (I struggled with this when waiting for Newton).


I actually took the advice of a posting about buying calculator tape and Newton adores destroying this. As for colored paper I personally am a little weary of it.

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Ooooh...I hadn't heard or thought of the calculator tape! I'm going to pick some up today! Thanks!


I have also heard some people will take a phone book and use a band saw and cut it into 3 inch widths and hang in the cage. I would think the white pages would be okay, but I wouldn't use the yellow with all the colored ink and all. I don't have a band saw or table saw, nor do I have any phone books (thanks to the internet), but it might be a good idea to try as well if you do.



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