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Happy Hatchday + One


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I just wanted to announce Gracie's Hatchday. She broke out of her egg two years and one day ago. For all of my recent talk of Gracie's "terrible twos" I wanted to celebrate her two year milestone with all of you. As I reflect on my life so far with Gracie, all I can say is that I plan to live and enjoy the rest of my years with a little feathered girl who has taught me much and has brightened my days in a myriad of unexpected ways.

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Lol--speaking of kisses, she has been kissing all of my friends and family without any bites. After she kisses them, she looks at me and says. "Kiss? No bite." But I still don't trust her. I'm giving the 4-inch away smooches. I may be paranoid, but I wonder if she is just trying to lure me! "See Daddy. I'm safe and harmless." Am I being too suspicious?

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Well.....as I posted earlier, I was worried maybe I was being paranoid about giving Gracie a kiss. As I said, she has sweetly kissed my family and friends (even though I tell them she bit me and to be careful and not to attempt it --nobody listens to me). I started to wonder if maybe I was being paranoid. So, two minutes ago she asked for a kiss and so sweetly made the kissing sound. I thought to myself, "Oh what the heck. She is harmless with people she isn't even bonded to. Why the concern?" So, I leaned in and decided to go for it. I AM NOW APPLYING A PAPER TOWEL TO MY LOWER LIP TO SOAK UP THE BLOOD! She got me good! Now, I'm not angry. I should have known better. I still want this thread to be about her Hatchday. I love her and she loves me. But, it makes me take pause. Why would she do that to me and not to my Mom, Dad, or my friend Marie? My guess is that she knows she got a reaction from me before, and it somehow excites her. I may be stretching it, but as I wrote earlier, is it possible that she kissed them sweetly as a ruse to get my trust so she could nail me? Could she be that devious? If she is that devious, then I am amazed at her cunning. I doubt that is really what is going on though. I guess I have to admit defeat and say goodbye to those kisses that were our only physical contact aside from stepping up. When she bit me, I didn't really react. It was bedtime, so I asked her to step up and I put her in her cage. She did seem a little upset when she saw the blood. I could tell it bothered her, but I can't say or hope that was remorse. I love that little stinker no matter what. Again, Happy Hatchday + one. You will always be in heart even when you shed my blood.

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She IS smart. She is just what I wanted in a grey for better or worse. But I have to face facts and be sensible. If she had decided to twist or pull her beak when she bit me, I would be in the emergency room now getting stitches or even making an appointment with a plastic surgeon. She pierced my lip deeply, but it was sharp, and she released quickly like two sewing needles going in and out. She could have easily taken off a chunk of my lip if she had meant real harm. In fact, I don't think it is a good idea to even give her "air kisses" anymore--at least for a while. I also will not allow any of my friends or family to kiss her. She can't be trusted. When she beckons me with "Kiss Kiss. No bite" I will completely ignore her.

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Jeff, one thing we learned with our Greycie, she can sense fear. She will nip and bite people who are apprehensive about touching her especially my daughter. I learned this when I took her to one of our race venues. She was very nippy with anyone who showed any kind of apprehension about touching her. There was this one lady who races with my daughter that came by and boldly stated "birds love me". She threw her hand right under Greycie's breastbone and boldly told her to 'STEP UP'. Greycie stepped up and let this lady do anything with her. Hell, I nearly stepped up too! She really is just a big bully when she can get away with it. I can do nearly anything with our Greycie and I believe it's because I don't give a damn if she bites me and she knows it. I am a little rough and tumble with her too. I am with all my birds past and present. My Amazon had the most trouble with it as he was a friggni touch-me-not which of course, made me want to touch him non-stop.

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Happy Hatch Day Gracie! :)


Jeff - I am so sorry to hear you received that lip bite. It is a painful lesson both physically and emotionally. One caution, I would be very adamant to any friends, that they should let Gracie near there face or lips. You just never know and I am certain you would feel terrible if Gracie ever did nail a person in on the lips or face. It can happen in the blink of an eye, as you know. I hope and pray you heal quickly and scar free.

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Thanks Dan. I have called all family and friends and told them that kissing is now verboten. My lip doesn't look too bad, thankfully. I have two small puncture wounds. It hurts a little, but I will be on the mend soon.

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