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Yes to both, using your "Very small amounts" description. I wouldn't give it everyday either. I give my grey a few nibbles of an all natural peanut butter made with palm oil and honey sandwich at times. He loves it, especially the chunky peanuts. :)

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I know for humans, honey has natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. There is even a type of honey produced in New Zealand specifically produced and used for wound care. Do the holistic and medicinal uses of honey (and others things) also transfer over to birds and other animals?

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I know for humans, honey has natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. There is even a type of honey produced in New Zealand specifically produced and used for wound care. Do the holistic and medicinal uses of honey (and others things) also transfer over to birds and other animals?


Ask your vet about this subject. Opinions concerning this may be harmful to your bird. Giving out advice that only vets should answer is our policy. There are no vets on this board. Feeding is a delicate subject especially when it concerns items that wild animals don't eat in the wild.

Edited by Dave007
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