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Fluffy Belly Update


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A few days ago I posted a video of Pearl for a couple of reasons- one of which is "fluffy belly". Not sure if this is the beginning of what a plucked belly looks like, if she's molting, losing more baby fluff, etc. Greywings made a good point in that I had pictures to compare to. Three days later I see more white on her belly. I'm not really sure what's going on with her... It's not what I pictured plucking to look like, although this just might be the beginning stages. I always envision a bald spot of pink birdy skin. I'm not fussing over her chest- in fact I'm completely ignoring the area. She's gotten a good spray down with aloe vera juice for the last few days.


I chose to post these so others can compare if they're questioning like I am. Pictures are worth a thousand words. What do you guys think?


From 3 days ago (cute little banana beak!):










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How did the vet visit go?? Hope dear Pearly is doing ok, please keep us posted.


Thank you so much for asking! I should've let you guys know, I had to change her appointment. We're going Saturday morning and I'll update everyone then. I do think, now, that she's plucking. I've really soaked her down (she gets a good spray every day, but I really got her dripping the other day) and she's got a strip along her belly that's basically bald. My poor sweet baby girl. :( Don't know what could've caused this. I guess the vet will have more insight...

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Bad news... she's plucking. Good news... there's nothing medically wrong with her. The vet says her skin looks great and she hasn't damaged it... only her feathers. I was worried about a completely bald strip I saw right down the middle of her chest and was relieved when the vet told me they all have this along their keel bone. She still has her fluffy little belly, but not a lot of her gorgeous grey feathers left on her tummy. We ran down a list of things that could've caused this, but have not come up with anything yet. The vet gave me Metacam for her (.26cc once a day for 10 days) and tons of reading material. He also recommended a behavior class that has to be scheduled in advance as it runs about an hour long. It would just be our family and the vet. We discuss behavior modifications and try to get to the root of the problem. Dr. Kersting also gave me some great information and showed me some examples of foraging to keep her busy enough not to think about plucking. I just hope we can help her to stop. Thanks for the support and advice, guys- have your fids send Pearl some "no plucking" vibes. :)

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Thats good news that all checks out good in the health department. Foraging toys and things to keep Pearl busy is a good thing for any grey. Hopefully you will pick up some good advice at the behavior training session.:)

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What's her daytime routine like? Is she out a lot. Does she play a lot? Does she get a lot of interaction? Is she flighted? I'm curious because you seem to have a well adjusted Grey and I find it odd that she'd pluck. I'm hoping like crazy mine doesn't start. My previous Grey plucked and we tried everything to no avail but this was back in the good ol days when no one knew much about them and info was not readily available without an expensive trip to the vet. Hopefully you'll have good luck finding to solution.

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Hi Pearl's Owner,

I know this is heartbreaking for you. Let me tell you what worked for my guy. He started barbering his feathers at about 6 months. Our vet suggested 15 minutes of sunshine a day and one cooked chicken drumstick bone a week. After a few days of trips outside he COMPLETELY STOPPED mistreating his feathers and has NEVER hurt them since! He gets his chicken bone every week and most days we wheel his cage outside for some sunshine. Please try this.


"Fortunately, many of the ailments common to the African Grey, such as feather plucking and calcium deficiency, can be resolved with a few simple environmental changes, the easiest of which is the introduction of natural sunlight."

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