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The biting has become a problem.


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I loved reading about your outing to Dairy Queen. Jake seems to want to engage with the world. He is clearly smart and loving. I don't get the impression that he realizes he is hurting you. I think he is just being exuberant and hasn't yet found the appropriate way to express it. What warms my heart is your devotion and patience with him. You see the bird he can and will be, and you appear willing to do whatever it takes to get him to that place. He couldn't be in a better home. I just know he is going to learn the ropes and you will all be a very happy and well adjusted "flock" in due time. Your commitment inspires me. Thank you for sharing. I have no advice to give, but I am cheering for you and expect good news.

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I believe Jeff hit on a very likely point. Namely, that pent up excitement once out of the cage and just boucing off the walls once out. It really reminds of young children going nuts after being locked up in the house all day.


IT is good to hear you found a stroll with your grey in a carrier did the trick in calming him while feeding those brain receptors with new and exciting experiences. Truly, boredom can cause significant behavioral issues in man and beast. :)

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Jake spent over an hour out when we came home tonight. He helped me cook his dinner, did some flying and screaming and best of all did not bite. We put him in the cage on a good note and I took him out to sit on the porch about a half hour later. We were outside for about an hour. He talked to the neighbor, whistled to the kids out for a stroll with their parents, played with his toys and about flipped when the fire trucks left the fire station. When Jake and I came back inside he went into sleepy mode on the top of his cage. I figured I would have a heck of a time getting him into his cage and really dreaded ending a good day with a bite but after a few minutes of being out he climbed into his cage all on his own to get something to eat. He was so busy chowing down he didn't even care that I got up and closed the door. I can't remember the last time we had a day this good.


I got the paperwork today that I have to fill out for the behavior consult with his vet. This will be combined with his yearly check up and will be a double appointment. The behavior part is being booked after hours so if the biting is resolved I can cancel that portion and the vet won't have an empty spot.

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Yeah for a great day! Gus would nip also when he was just hanging out, but that curbed also, just one little nip in two weeks. But i completely agree with the bordom causing issues. I am so glad you have found happy relief. And ice cream treats to boot!

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One step forward and one step back. I was in the kitchen cooking Jakes dinner and I guess he nailed my partner, then flew off into the kitchen where he landed on my head, and went after my face. I managed to grab a bag of frozen vegies to cover my eyes while he pecked at my forehead. I had to yell for help since I didn't dare uncover my eyes. Jake is back in his cage and being very quiet. I don't know if he is grumpy or if he feels how not happy I am.

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Thats to be expected. The good news is you had 2 good days, now one step back. You did the right thing putting him back n the cage. It will not take him long to figure out if he stops or at least greatly lessen the biting attacks, he will have more time out of the cage. Thats a big positive reinforcer. :)

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I tried again after about an hour and we went for a walk and sat outside. He was very quiet. When we came back in he gave me a firm pinch when I asked for a step up out of the pack. He is sitting on his cage top napping right now which is very early for him. I wonder if he didn't get a good sleep last night or today and is just a grump.

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This morning was the big vet appointment. The vet says we are doing everything right and to just keep at it. His nares, preen gland and feather condition is good. There is some evidence of over preening and it is something to watch. She suggested more preening toys and toys made of balsa wood. She showed me a few techniques to try like putting a fist between beak and skin when he bites. The blood work for calcium, red blood cells, liver function and sugars look good but there is something not right with his white blood cells. She is having additional testing done on the samples and she will call me next week. He bit the vet on her face and I think she lost more blood than he did. The vet and tech tried to be so gentle but Jake was so scared by the whole ordeal that he alternated between trying to bite, crying and growling. We have been home a few hours now and Jake is sitting on his cage top all fluffed out and hasn't stopped shaking. I am going to put him in his cage for the rest of the afternoon in hopes that he will feel secure there and take a good long nap.

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We both had a long nap but he is still fluffed up with sleepy eyes, shaking and not eating or drinking. I know that the stress of the car, being toweled and especially the blood draw would have him out of sorts but the not eating and drinking has me concerned.

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Hopefully, Jake is normalizing today?


He is. Bad dreams had me up at 4am where I found Jake sitting on the edge of his water bowl waiting for me. When I changed it out he drank and drank and drank. I kept it dark hoping he would go back to sleep but instead he sat in the cage chattering away quietly until about 8:30. I made him a delicious breakfast of steamed corn, carrots, green beans, red & green peppers and black beans into which I scrambled an egg and topped with toasted egg shell. He ate well for him. After breakfast I changed out his water again and when he tried to take a bath in it I pulled out his big bathing pan and filled it with filtered water from the fridge (this water is so cold the container has a crust of ice on it) and he took a good long bath drenching the floor, walls, ceiling and out about 6ft.


I am determined not to google anything on abnormal white blood cells until I hear back from the vet. We are going to enjoy our day and I will not worry about something that will probably turn out to be nothing. (do I sound convincing? lol) Jake has been talking about airplanes, his new word, so I am going to look up the departing flight schedule and time going outside because he likes to watch them.

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Great going. I was reading about not eating and drinking on the day of his vet visit and even though it is scary and not normal for him, it is understandable and I get that from Gilbert on a really stressful day sometimes. Glad to see he was ready to eat today. Who wouldn't be with that presentation? Jake has an airplane hobby, all boy, isn't he? I agree with your determination to stay away from the internet "studies" on abnormal white blood cells. If you get really really anxious, call the vet and ask if you can be directed to information on what his concerns are for this. You never know if it was mentioned in passing and not a huge concern, but just something to investigate now and watch for a while to see a trend. It is good to be informed and prepared, but looking up the flight schedules is a better enhancement to your relationship with Jake in the short term while the vet sorts through his part. Happy to see Jake settling in and chowing down.

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Hoping for the best on that white blood cell count. It's good to hear he is starting to calm down after that horrifying event. I am horrified every time I go to the doctor as well. Maybe next time I'll bite them and see if they make the next visit less painful. :P

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The vet called and left a message that I need to call her between 8 and 9 am tomorrow. When she called with the results on Saturday she felt comfortable leaving a detailed message but today she didn't. So now I am worried. So please say a prayer tonight that everything is alright and that if it isn't that it can easily treated.

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So the test they ran on Monday was to overlook the effects of adrenalin on the white blood cells. This test also came back showing abnormal white blood cells and a high count. There was still enough blood to send it out to a lab to do a protein panel which will look for or to look at (I'm not sure which) lymphocytes. Since we have no baseline this might be his normal but it could also be because of a viral or bacterial infection. The vet is closed on Wednesday but she said she will call me tomorrow just as soon as she gets the results. I did a Google search and shouldn't have.

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