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I never thought ...


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that one of the words Marco would pick up to the degree she has... was My sons name LOLOLOL ....


All a sudden it made me realize just uhm how OFTEN Im screaming up the stairs to him waking him in the mornings or calling him on the phone ... LMAO !!!!!!!! Needless to say Im very aware of how many times I say his name now!!!!!! I thought at first I was just "hearing things" surely she wasnt saying his name ... however ... bwahahaha.... she TOTALLY is !!!!!!!



Its actually funny how she is now forming like full sentences with the words she does know so ... now its usually Hey Andrew are you hungry? or Hey Andrey whatcha doing? Needless to say ... its the cutest thing! Weve actually started to respond with "Andrews not here" lol cuz she'll say it ALLLLL day long.


Its really amazing to watch her look at me when I toss up a word to her that she doesnt use yet and it kinda throws her off her game.... cuz she'll be going along jabbering away with her whatcha doings? or are you hungry? and I'll say sweet potato or banana and she'll cock her head and look at me like ... <hmmm very interesting a new word> I like how she just appears to concentrate and even "think" about it for a moment. Shell do it every time I throw a new word at her.


She cracks me up!

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That was just adorable. When they really know who they are talking about and use their name, it is a surreal moment. I am still in awe of Gilbert exercising the use of just two names and each time it was when he wanted more of her presence.

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See I couldnt tell if it was becuz of my "over use" of the word because I dont think she is associating it with HIM cuz she uses it all day long whether hes there or not and he really has no interaction with her at all ... so im thinking its just cuz I use it so often lol !!!!!! thats why we started saying Andrews not here lol ...

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I know our Marco is all about some new word or phrase because in addition to being obviously focused on the word/phrase, he actually puts his face almost into my mouth trying for better 'reception.' I speculate that he is detecting vibrations. Invariably, he will start repeating that word/phrase within days of getting this extra information.


Has anyone else noticed this with their grey(s)?

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Marco is well spoken. They do sit and repeat name sometimes. I suppose Andrew is a hit with him. Probably because Marco figures Andrew is in trouble all the time and Marco is helping you by ganging up on him. :P


Thanks for sharing this video, I enjoyed it. :)

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LOVED the video! Marco knows exactly what he is saying and whom it is directed! Sophie was Ryan's fail safe, " get up now", since eighth grade. Alarm clock... me yelling up the stairs.... he finally got up when Sophie yelled for him. As I left for work earlier than him, I always told Sophie to get him up. She did. It got to the point he would blame Sophie for his being late if she didn't rant and rave in time! LOL! Nancy

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