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Is your grey manipulative and a liar?


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Elvenking Awwwww How sweet he really is! They all test us when they are just babes. They test us when their adults too! BUT..... Sophie is 13 now. When she goes for the dropleaf coffee table, and I say a firm NO! BOY.... watch a grey back up on her little tootsies! LOL! We do eventually get some authority.Then she thinks I won't be mad if she goes under the coffee table and chews the mechanics to the coffee table. She feels she has compromised. LOL! Nancy

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Yeah...sometimes he is a bit more obedient....I think he knows when I really can't take it at the moment. But if he see's me relaxed....ohh it's game on. Either way....I love the lil guy. I'll have to make an update post to tell of the other things he is doing lately as well. What a character...I no longer see him much different than a little child. My little child that is. :)

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I am the boss in my house. Honest!


Steve n Misty


I have no doubt you are, the head cook, bottle washer, carpet cleaner, take care of account payable, do the shopping and make certain everything is maintained in tip top shape. :P

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