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Thane question


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So Thane has been doing great since he came home :D when ever I visited him i would bring him different fruits and veggies and he ate almost all of them except grapes. The weird thing is now that he is home the only thing he eats is grapes. I mean he still eats his pellets but no matter what fruit or veggie i give him to eat he will only eat the grapes. Even when i dont put grapes down for him he will just chirp and throw everything on the ground looking for them. I have tried mini cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, peppers, corn, beans, broccoli, etc and he wont eat them.


How can i change this??




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Most Greys seem to really love grapes, my grey included especially red grapes.


I would suggest not giving grapes to Thane for a while and just keep giving him the veggies and other items. When he realizes it is not going to be an everyday treat he can gorge on and toss the rest, he will start eating other items. They are just like young children, no control Place a bag of candy next to their breakfast, lunch or dinner plate and guess what they will eat? :P


Use those grapes he loves so much for giving a reward when correct behavior or task is performed. Grapes are good as cash to a grey. I love the new photos, he is beautiful! :)

Edited by danmcq
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I agree with the idea of chopping the veggies into a fine mixture. Gracie seems to like bite sized pieces and I have found that I can slowly add stuff to the mix that she will end up trying and eventually liking. Oddly, she has never liked grapes.

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Jake doesn't like grapes either Jeff. He doesn't like fruit or most vegies at all unless they are juiced. He will drink his vegies most of the time but won't eat one. Thankfully I have a co-worker with a juicer. Now I need to buy my own.

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