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Peanut is talking!!

Brat Birds

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I have said on more than one occasion that my TAG, Peanut, will never talk due to his malformed mucous membranes. Well,,never say never LOL! He has started to say HaeWhoa. I take this to be Hello,

He will only say it when he is behind me. He will say it and wait for me to repeat it and this will go on for a few minutes until one of us gets tired and stops - usually him. I wanted to tell you because while my friends here will listen to me they really don't understand!!

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Good for Peanut! How old is he? Have you had him quite a while? It's always fun when they talk to us. We bond in different ways, and language is one of them. I know what you mean about talking to friends outside the forum. Most of my close friends know Gracie my CAG pretty well and have seen first hand all of her antics. My co-workers are more dubious, but I subject them to "Gracie Stories" several times a week nonetheless. It is always good to post things here because we all do understand.

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Yay for Peanut! I'm so happy for you guys! Even when birds have a physical problem, they are pretty smart and can work around it. It may not sound perfect to others.... but it is music to our ears for those who have birds that struggtle to talk. Sunny struggles to talk, as he a rescue, and very abused when he was younger. Your bird talked much clearer than Sunny can, but I know when he says hello, I know when he complains about Sophie and Kiki. Nancy

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Thanks. Jeff, Peanut is 8 years old. I have had him since he was about 2 months old. This is the first time he has tried anything other than beeps, honks.clicks and squawks. I have always repeated them to him too - well as close as I could get. Yes, Nancy, we do communicate without the words and I love that too.

I am working on 'love you' to be next!

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It is so encouraging to know that peanut is an adult bird and yet he is trying new things. It is a statement to his desire to bond. He has the capability, so there is no limit to what he can do. Greys don't seem to have an age timetable to acquire language like some other species. This may just be the beginning.

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