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Tuesday we inherited a Bearded Dragon from a close family friend. Wednesday I noticed he had a couple tiny bugs crawling on him and the substrate in his aquarium. After some research online, I'm pretty sure they're mites. We, of course, were not informed of this by the previous owners. Most of his care came from a 13-year-old boy who gave him up because he didn't have time for him anymore- I doubt he even noticed the bugs.

My concern now is Pearl and our dog, Dozer. Pearl and the Bearded Dragon, Zeus, are not in the same room, nor have they come in contact with each other at all except for me showing Pearl his aquarium (she could've cared less... ;) ). Does anyone have experience with reptiles and birds in the same home? More specifically the mite issue? We're giving Zeus a Betadine bath this weekend and totally disinfecting his aquarium and replacing his substrate and "toys". I anticipate they will be long gone very soon, but I hope there is no chance of Pearl contracting the nasty little things.


Thanks as always!


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Mites are nasty little external parasites that feast on your Bearded Dragon's blood. They also reproduce like crazy. They tend to be unwittingly transported from one reptile to another. The first thing you want to do when you have mites is make sure the animal is in absolute quarantine. Don't even let things it has touched near the other animals. Treat the animal itself by washing in a bath of diluted Betadine and then going over all spikes and crevices with a Betadine-soaked cotton swab. Avoid contact with the eyes. Also treat the entire cage with a mite treatment you can get at pet stores, and then disinfect the whole thing. Then you'll have to do a the whole thing again in a couple of weeks, when the new eggs hatch. Mites are a pain to get rid of, you may have to repeat this process multiple times. However, it is necessary, as too many mites on your lizard can kill him.

Usually these parasites are host specific which means they should only be a problem for your Beardie I believe Ivermectin is another treatment that your Vet may utilize to treat your reptile. Do check with your Vet before you begin treatment.

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"Mites are nasty little external parasites that feast on your Bearded Dragon's blood. They also reproduce like crazy. They tend to be unwittingly transported from one reptile to another. The first thing you want to do when you have mites is make sure the animal is in absolute quarantine. Don't even let things it has touched near the other animals. Treat the animal itself by washing in a bath of diluted Betadine and then going over all spikes and crevices with a Betadine-soaked cotton swab. Avoid contact with the eyes. Also treat the entire cage with a mite treatment you can get at pet stores, and then disinfect the whole thing. Then you'll have to do a the whole thing again in a couple of weeks, when the new eggs hatch. Mites are a pain to get rid of, you may have to repeat this process multiple times. However, it is necessary, as too many mites on your lizard can kill him."

I think your Vet may use Ivermectin to treat the mites it would be best to check with a Vet prior to starting treatment. Reptile mites should only affect your Beardie rather then mammals or birds.

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