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Today July 11th Cosmo is 6 years old

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Hi everyone. Today my male CAG is 6 years old. His name is Cosmo and as my user name suggests, he's my friend,.. my best friend. One day back in late 2007, I went to a local pet shop to buy some supplies for my fresh water fish and immediately spotted two Congo Greys standing on top of a cage on the front counter. I thought this odd because this pet shop dealt primarily with fish. Having been a "parrot person" for a lot of years, I asked the owner, "hey, Bob, how much for the Greys?" He gave me a price for each, I bought my supplies and went back home to my apartment of which I had recently moved to. When I got home, I got on my PC and started research on Grey's and their needs. (a lot of which over the years I found to be bogus) However it gave me a good start to successfully start in taking care of these wonderful birds. The next day I went back to this shop and expressed interest in purchasing one. I mentioned before, I have been a "parrot person" for some time, ever since I've been 10 years old and have owned many different parrots over the years. As a matter of fact, a few months earlier, I had to give away my Amazon and Cockatoo because the apartment complex I moved to (and still live in) didn't allow pets, this wasn't going to stop me though, in owning a Grey. They were two Congo Grey's, a male and a female both from same nest who hatched just 13 weeks earlier and were given to the owner of the pet shop by a friend of his who bred Greys for him to sell. I first handled the female and she seemed a bit nervous, the male however, still on top of the cage was very inquisitive. He kept staring at me, his head tilted and periodically bobbing up and down. I knew this to be a good sign from him, as parrots also choose you too. I set the female back on the cage and offered my hand to the male who was all to eager to perch himself on. He stared at me and I smiled at him. He then lowered both wings exposing his back and allowed me to gently stroke it. "I'll take him" I said to Bob the shop owner. I don't want to tell every detail of this fantastic journey of Cosmo and I living and learning from each other over the years because I'd be here all night at the keyboard. However I will say that Cosmo runs the apartment! What I mean is he'll tell me when it's time for sleep. At 7 O'clock every night, he'll exclaim, "Riiick" (he'll often draw my name out) "it's time for sleep!" "OK, it's time for sleep" then ring one of his bells in his cage. He'll do this with increasing intensity until I cover his cage, turn off his feather-brite light, turn on his moon light, turn off all the lights in the living room, lower the T.V. until I can even barely hear it. And dare I make a sound, he'll ring the bell and yell from his cage, "Jesus Christ, it's time for sleep" (I hope I didn't offend any one with that :o) You see, Cosmo has a pretty full vocabulary, if you know what I mean. He reminds me to fill the humidifier, to check the mail, ect. His favorite T.V. shows are the Andy Griffith Show and the cartoon Huckleberry Hound. He loves to tease my 13 year old cat I had adopted 3 years back, Sylvester, every time he uses the litter box, "Sylvester went poop in the poop box, whewwww!" He is a character! Well, that's enough about Cosmo for now and we both wish all the Grey's in this forum a very happy birthday and many more to come!




Its Sylvester.jpg


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