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Cheyenne is home and happy

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Hi. I'm a new poster, but I've been a 'lurker' for almost 2 years. When I came home from Afghanistan in 2011, my wife and daughter surprised me with a CAG. Harley was a very sweet hand-raised baby who loved to be loved and snuggled. I left shortly thereafter on a business trip and my wife and daughter went to Alaska to see my son. Harley stayed with my daughter's boyfriend for the 3 weeks they were gone. When they returned, he would only allow my daughter to hold him and tried to bite everyone else, including me, after I returned. Before that he was sweet and would let almost anyone hold him and pet him. Having an African Grey had been dream of mine for years. It saddened me to see him trying to attack me after I had helped feed and care for him all that time.


In between that time and now, we have added Ruby, my female Eclectus and my daughter rescued Sunny, a peach-winged Amazon who is around 10.


My wife and I went to visit family in northern Arizona over the 4th and took us into their pet store. Cheyenne is a 7 year old CAG who had been at the pet store for about 10 weeks. I came in the store and she immediately started flirting with me, flapping her wings and clucking at me every time I turned away. No one else had seen her act like that or had been able to handle her. My wife said, "Now you have to buy her." "We already have 3 birds." "Yes, but YOUR CAG adopted your daughter and you've always wanted one." So, as my title states, Cheyenne is home, happy and has already started to try to feed me!


Pictures are Ruby helping with the dishes, new girl Cheyenne really interested in my phone and my daughter with Ruby, Harley and Sunny.




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Welcome Turzzock and Flock! Congrats on rescuing Cheyenne from that pet store. It sounds like a "Love at first sight" event. Thanks for the photos and the introduction. You have a beautiful flock there and I am certain will have many stories to share. :)

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Thanks so much for the welcome. We're excited to have them all together. Ruby really loves me, but will tolerate and go to my wife. Lately she has developed a very loud tone. It's like the tone from the microwave but it's 3 seconds long and 200 decibels! She only does it when she thinks she's being ignored. Now that Cheyenne is here, she responds with a star-wars-laser-type sound, like she is shooting Ruby. I think the former owners really like Star Wars, because she does lots and lots of special effect sounds from Star Wars movies...even R2D2. One of the recent things she started doing is a whistle like a bomb is dropping. At the end we say "boom" to which she will cluck, as if to say, "Good job human". Lots of fun.



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She's not talking much yet, but I'm sure she'll get over the shyness and start. When I got her the store said her name was Cheyenne, but I wanted to rename her Greycie. I started calling her Greycie and she said back in a deep voice "Cheyenne". I kept up the Greycie and she said "Cheyenne" again. Those were the only words she's said to me, except one other time. Anabelle, my wife's cousin's Umbrella Cockatoo is very vocal and says "Hi Anabell" over and over and over again. Cheyenne looked at her one time and said "Shut up". That was it. My wife and her cousin said you can't change her name if she already knows it. So, she's Cheyenne :P

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LOL, She knows her name! They are highly intelligent, use words and phrases in context and will let you and any other flock member know when you got something wrong or another like Anabelle is irritating her. I suspect she has a very large vocabulary and will slowly start using as she feels more and more comfortable to do so. :)

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Now Harley on the other hand is a big talker. He knows the dogs names and even says their names with other phrases like "off the couch" or "outside". He'll say, "Zoe outside!" and my chocolate lab will look at me with a pained expression as if to ask "do I have to listen to him as well?" So much fun!

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Hi turzzock and flock and welcome to the grey forum.

Good looking bunch you have there.

If you check we have a great amazon room also that has a sticky thread and list of the honored amazons of the grey forum and you and Sonny have been added.

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You have a beautiful flock and it is a treat for us to have you share them with us. I am very interested in having more parrots but have been very conservative since having illness in my flock. I can live vicariously through yours. Thanks for joining us and thanks for sharing.

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