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Kiki is gone!

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Sorry all! I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. for three days. NOT a good time to go there I told my doctor, but had no choice.I put alot of pressure on Sean to contact rescue sites, call our bird man.... he didn't do it, as he was busy looking for Kiki, dealing with all the other animals. He almost cried! I left the hospital early, still don't feel well, but my family is in shambles. Kiki is definitely not close. I don't feel her presence. Sean has been very busy looking for Kiki as well as paying extra attention to Sophie and Sunny. We are mostly worried about Sunny as Kiki is his mate. Sean told me he has been snuggling extra with Sunny and Sunny has appreciated the extra attention. As tomorrow is Sunday, I can't do much, outside of looking for her, but Monday,I plan on finding my girl!She is " street smart", and a survivor, out of all my birds.I know it is stupid, but I'm going to say it... " what is she thinking?" flying off.... Please respond, don't worry about offending me. I don't get why she is not back. I here from many friends how the hawks will get her, she doesn't recognize her home.. Nancy

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Nancy, I'm sure the stress hasn't been good for your immune system, so please take care of yourself. Still hoping for good news soon about Kiki. As for your friends and their "hawk" pronouncements...I might just start screening my calls. Friends like that aren't very helpful at a time like this.

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Nancy, this friend is going to tell you not to give up. I have made posts on all the forums I belong to asking everyone to please be on the look out for and notify the authorities if they see any seagull sized green parrot without a human. Many are OTR truckers and travel through this state. Please take the time to e-mail all of the animal shelters not only across the state but in all the surrounding states with a description of Kiki and your contact information.

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Nancy be strong, I believe Kiwi has been found and it just takes an honest finder to get her back to Sean. Try knocking on doors in the near area again. If Kiwi is like my zon then she loves people and knows that humans means food/dinner. Ask your area pet store or local market if anyone new has been getting "bird food". Try and let the local kids involved in the looking as children honestly "know everything" that is going on in the neighborhood. I feel for you and Sean, this is my worst fear with my parrots. Don't give up, be strong and keep looking!

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So sorry to hear you have been sick, being heartsick counts as much as pneumonia. The weather is in your favor and Kiki may have found good things to eat outdoors too. Don't listen to anyone telling you it is too late, keep your faith and keep your outlook strong to find Kiki. Many have been reunited over longer periods of time.

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So sorry to hear you have been sick, being heartsick counts as much as pneumonia. The weather is in your favor and Kiki may have found good things to eat outdoors too. Don't listen to anyone telling you it is too late, keep your faith and keep your outlook strong to find Kiki. Many have been reunited over longer periods of time.

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I know Kiki is not within a three block radius. I have knocked on everyone's door, introduced myself, and asked everyone to look in their trees. Not just the tree, but movement. I also asked them all to contact anyone they know in our area and ask them to do the same.I've contacted my vet, local birdstore. Sean is contacting rescue groups. Sean is going to contact local boyscouts. I'm depressed.... severly! I am sick, and suck as a parent! I have found EVERY missing dog, guinea pig, etc, EVER in my life. Kiki is waiting for me, TRUSTING me, and I'm not there. This truly sucks! I've contacted all local rescue groups.... she is not THERE! I know she will fly down to a stranger, if she is hungry or thirsty enough. WHERE can she be? Nancy

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Even though she is gregarious, outgoing and people oriented by nature, she is out of her element. She may have gotten carried by the wind and gone farther than you expect. Or, she may be so thrown off guard by the change in her familiar surroundings, her instinct may be to hide quietly from predators. That would be a good thing. She may be watching and waiting for the right moment. If you are feeling up to it, maybe you could sit outside to read as your recuperate, you may see or hear something that will give you the idea and connect to her. As much as any of us would be scared and self recriminating, you don't have the time or energy for that right now. Push that out of your head. You really do know better, don't you? Nobody can really look into a crystal ball and avoid every possible scenario to prbleotect our loved ones from every possible perceived harm. That would involve creating a very restrictive bubble, and a very unhappy family. If you think of your words and visualize them coming out of someone you didn't like very much, they would be fighting words. Don't give yourself permission to think negative things or accept that from anyone ever. Take a deep breath, get a good night of sleep and think good things as you drift off. Visualize yourself tall and strong as you go out and rescue your friend. Ideas will come to your mind, new areas to search, new people to contact. There is something they teach in motorcycle riding. Freezing up will definitely get you hurt in an uncontrolled situation. Breathe and move, don't lock up. If you are not doing "something" you will definitely crash, don't panic, keep your head about you as you forge ahead. You can get through this.

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I was able to rescue a parrot from a tree on the far side of town this week who had been missing since the first of the month. Only found out where he/she may belong yesterday hope to witness the reunion today. So keep on looking and do not give up. This was a smaller size Parrot who contrasted with the foliage and still remained missing for over seventeen days.

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I keep coming back to see if there have been any sightings or news and just hope and pray that Kiki finds her way back to you Nancy. I picture her partying and exploring and think she will wake up some morning after a long dark night to think about looking for you.

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really sorry to hear this :(


there was a grey missing just half a mile from me last week what was put in the local paper, me the mrs and the kids are always looking out for him when we are out, my youngest daughter comes in the other day saying she had seen a bird with a red tail what looked like charlie, we went to look but there was nothing there...


chin up & never loose hope, EVER

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I go looking for her every day. Especially between 3-4 pm. If I can get out of work early... I spend my time looking for her. I don't care if people think I'm nuts calling for her.I have never spent so much time studying trees. Birds and family are all stressed! I know when she is hungry, she usually won't care whom the person is and will land on their shoulder. Trust has never been an issue for Kiki. I can only hope, she has landed on someone's shoulder and they are caring for her, until I find her. Nancy

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By now Kiki has probably been found and is being cared for hopefully by someone reputable who will be looking for her owner and not keeping a "free" bird they found, keep looking and asking everyone if they have heard of anyone saying they found a grey bird, also check with the vets and local stores that sell bird feed or if anyone has noticed a delivery of boxes containing a large bird cage, spread the word with everyone in the neighborhood and even beyond. I will keep you and Kiki in my thoughts and prayers that she be found and returned to you safe and sound.

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I check this thread all the time in the hopes of hearing that Kiwi is now home. If you can, I would update any posters about Kiki's outdoor adventure so that neighbors and all will see that Kiki is still on the loose. Posters in local pet vets and pet shops also. I do believe Kiki has been found and wish people knew that to keep a lost pet is illegal. Hoping for good news soon.

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