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Kiki is gone!

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Kiki escaped Sunday around 7pm. As she loves to hang in my bedroom lately, I let her, and turned on the airconditioner, as we don't have central air and it is too hot! I had cardboard set up for the area that the accordian didn't cover on the AC. She apparently chewed the cardboard and removed it during the one hour I left her in my room and she escaped. We searched all eve Sunday to no success. Sean searched all day, took her jungle gym outside, as well as put Sunny in a carrier and both searched all day. I left work early to find her without any results.

I am so worried about the hawks and her being hungry, thirsty and hot!I feel terrible as I was so mad at her a few weeks ago and mentioned " rehoming her", which I would never do! We are all at a loss without our girl. I have notified all our neighbors and will contact all vets and rescues in our area. Any other ideas? Nancy

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Be sure to put up posters around the neighborhood and keep looking Nancy, put her cage outside with food and water in it as she might come back and see it and come down but keep looking and asking, I hope you find her soon, please keep us informed.

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All so check with pet stores as some one might go to a pet store that sells birds to find out what kind she is.

Many pet stores around us have a bulletin board for lost pets and for sale pets.

A picture on the poster would also help.


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Also 911Parrot Alert & Craigs List. You can use your personal social media like w/the CITES petition only encourage everyone to target contacts in the local vicinity for now, if the weather's been good. You can move the search area outwards after a while or if the weather changes.


There's reasons to worry. But still Kiki's kind of picked a "good" time to have an adventure, though. It's warm & there's tons of food ripening everywhere. Even if she can't find a water source, she's bound to find fruit enough to keep her. So try to stay positive, ok? Good Luck!

Edited by birdhouse
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Oh Nancy, my heart breaks for you and your family. This is too close to home for me, with Nilah, and I also have a dear friend who lost their grey a couple of months ago as well. I have heard others say dusk and dawn are good times for contact calls and searching by name, many times they hear and answer back or fly to you. My prayers are with you never give up.

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Thanks all! I knocked at all my neighbors homes behind me, asked them to keep a lookout and contact me. Called vets and shelters going beyond county lines, as this is how I found my missing dog years ago, and found him. Her gym and cage is outside with food for her. Sunny traveled in his carrier around the neighborhood screeching his lungs out. He KNOWS! Sophie also knows, as she is screamimg Kiki's call all day long. Kiki hates that... and will scream herself when Sophie does it.I'm off tomorrow, will take Sophie with me this time.( of course in a carrier!) I know when I yell " Kiki"... Sophie will send off Kiki's scream.

I was soooo b.... today at work. I'm never like that, but I really just want to be home looking for my baby. I've had her since she was weaned. Going thru her baby book, just makes me feel even worse! Now not only is she hot, thirsty and hungry, people are telling me " there are alot of hawks in our area". Nancy

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Thanks Wingy. I will call Paul tomorrow. He is going to be sooo pissed! I know better! Can't be my concern, I just want her back.Sean has been searching for her like crazy! I told him tonite, I was okay with him blaming me. Won't change things though! Tomorrow, I'm all over it! I've always found a lost dog..... I can find Kiki too! Wish me luck! Nancy

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Have the kids record Sunny and Sophi making a lot of noises and Kiki's favorite songs. Play it in your yard as loud as you can and to heck with the neighbors. Work has trucks heading toward your area and farther east. I have asked that the drivers call in immediately if they spot a green bird outside.

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Still hoping and praying you and kiki will be united once again soon. Don't ever give up. It took me 3 weeks to get jake the conure back and there are tons of hawks in our area as well. he was 45 miles away believe it or not! People saw my post on Craigslist and responded.

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Nancy see if you can put up flyers at the grocery stores, ice cream shops, convenience stores, pizza/sub shops, feed stores, tractor supply, churches, send e-mail to the farms starting in a circle and work outward, same with day care centers. Stuff is growing now and Kiki may stop to get a bite to eat.

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I just got online again, still out of town. I am so sorry to hear Kiki is scaring you to death. Hopefully she is looking for you right now to come back to her loving home. Don't let your mind harangue you about being mad at her recent,y, you had good reason and it has nothing to do with this escape. Kiki knows you all love her. This was an opportunistic escape and hopefully you will all be reunited soon. My heart is with you in the trials you are enduring.

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