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brooding and egg laying


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Hi I have a question regarding my Grey 'Nermal'. She is 141/2 yrs old and she has laid an egg (I am not a breeder). When she was 71/2 she laid 3 eggs over a course of a few days. We got through that and she did well (I was advised to let her 'roost' on them for a few days to let her get it out of her system and then take them away. It was sad but she got over them quickly). My question is what causes this to happen? Is it something that happens every 7 yrs or so or is it something in the diet? I ask this as Nermal has been eating a lot of chicken bones over the last few months (she loves them). It seems to me I have read to watch the protien intake in regards to egg production. Any comments would be welcome. I am not sure how to handle her as she layed her egg in her favorite play spot - in the back of the closet. I am leaving her there tonight and have put food and papers down but am not sure if I should put her in her cage or not. On egg alert in the mid west..........jlo

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I'm not a breeder either, but out of common sense and general knowloadge about other animals I breed, enviromental changes, including food, temperature, sounds, air presure and many other changes can cause pet animals to feel breeding season has arrived.

I think it's called 'ignition factors' or something like that.

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Your correct but also allot of pet owners do not understand how birds breed. When you pet your bird and you run your hand all the way down its back and across the tail feathers this stimulates them. Also mature birds will rub on the person that they have bonded with this is actaully how they breed. If a person wants to stop this behavior the bird needs to be told no and put on there stand or in the cage.

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