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Teachers Care

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Thank you for posting this video. I am a teacher for teens and young adults who come from different countries to the US to learn English. They often experience loneliness, confusion, and culture shock. Sometimes they don't have any support system in the US. I pray every morning before I enter the classroom that I can be the face of love and understanding for them. I remind myself that people don't care about what you know or what you teach until they know that you really care about them as individuals. As a teacher I will never have riches reflected in my bank account, but my heart is full. I thank God every day that I dropped out of law school and chose to become a teacher.

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Lovethat grey, thanks for posting this. There are many teachers that certainly affected all of us during different years of schooling. You spend more hours with your teachers, than you do with your parents during those years of learning.


Jeff - You are a shining example of what a good teacher does to help your students and they leave never forgetting you for the rest of their lives. Money certainly cannot never provide that feeling of accomplishment as you see them flourish. But, I truly believe Teachers are severely under paid for all the hours they work and the heavy responsibility they carry in that vital capacity. Kudos to You!!! :)

Edited by danmcq
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I know where your coming from Dave. At least I had the opportunity of having 5 teachers that cared about the students, made learning that subject fun or at least entertaining enough that you wanted to plug-in and participate. Others were bored out of their minds having probably taught the same subject for 20 years and were non-emotion robots with no distinguishable expressions and a monotone voice. I either slept through those classes, passed notes or whispered in them. Needless to say I don't even remember their names any longer, just their blank faces. They should NOT be teachers and one would wish the school board would just fire them and find someone that wants to TEACH. Not just get a paycheck and build up a little retirement account for showing up and doing the least possible work.

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Sadly there are many teachers who do not have the calling or heart for the profession. I certainly had many like that. But, there were a few key teachers that made a huge difference in my life, and I try to model myself as a teacher after their example.

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