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Amazon vs African Grey Bites!


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Those of us that have both species know what others probably don't. Most people think that a bite from a parrot is a bite, but there are huge differences in there bites from my experience.


The best way I have found to describe it: a Grey will slice or cut the skin when they bite.

An Amazons bite is hard and more like vice grips latching on and squeezing with incredible power! Almost like getting your finger shut in the car door!

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I have read that a amazon bite is the one you don`t want because they also tear as they bite. I can not say this is true because Cricket to this date has never bitten me.

When I was researching amazons parrots before I brought Cricket home the caution was never let a amazon on your shoulder or near your face because of their bite.

Corky can give you a good nip or bite if you piss her off but Cricket just kind of takes things as they come and put her head down for a scratch before she even thinks of biting.

Cricket in her old home did some real damage to people that needed medical attention so I know she is capable of real damage.

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Greys seem to keep their beaks sharper so the bite is painful but those Amazons can hang on and chew. The worst bite I ever received was from a Cockatiel who was very angry at being restrained and bit through my fingernail and into the finger. Had to be pried off too, the stinker.

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OH Yah those cockatiels can give you a full size parrot bite and they can be little stinkers, but a well soc1alized cockatiel can be and are the sweetest little parrots.

I have had them for over 40 years and love them to death.

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Interesting topic on bites. My greys will cut as they do keep their beaks pretty darn sharp! My amazon just grabs and squeezes as much pressure as possible. It leaves a red swollen mark in a V shape. Nilah only bites me when she doesn't want me to take her away from what she wants to do, which is many times because she is into something ...forbidden !

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I can't comment on amazons but I have a hard time believing a tiel can deliver a bad bite since they are a small bird with a small type beak, my tiel has never bit me, she has only pecked at me but never getting any skin but I guess it is possible and I will take your word for it Jill, that tiel must have been really pissed off.

Josey has never really bitten me, only pinched and without bringing blood but I do respect the fact that she could do a lot more if she wanted to.

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I have had many cockatiels over my many years and a good share of them were rehomes, Some from good homes and some from not so good homes.

They are small birds with big attitudes and sharp beaks.

If they came from a bad home and not socialized, abused they than can tear you up big time.

All parrots if not treated right or abused can give you a bite you will not forget soon.

I have the scars to prove it and they came from some of the smaller birds.

Big or small, they can and do bite.

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I don't know what kind of a home my Gypsy came from since I found her in my backyard but I think she is a young bird but she just doesn't open her beak enough to get ahold of any skin or maybe she just doesn't want to, don't worry I don't intend to make her angry to see if she will bite but her top beak is sharp and I guess she could get in a good one if she wanted to.

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The Grey bite is a straight down chomp where as the Amazon bite is a clamp down, dig in and twist. From what I have seen Greys also bite using primarily the front and lower portion of the beak that is very sharp where as Zons bite back farther using both the upper and lower portions where the beak is a little thicker. This can be observed handing each a wooden clothes pin or stick. A Zon can snap a stick with one bite but the Grey needs to work it and usually ends up peeling it with the grain on the underside.

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YIKES! Both bites from a grey and amazon sound horrible. Luckily.... I havent received either in ten years. Kiki DID bite me a few months ago when I wanted her to get down off my refrigerator! She actually drew blood, and I was seriously offended.Then she chewed my mom's secretary, which REALLY upsetted me.She knew I was upset, but I really didn't blame her. Now, bedtime has always been easy... they put themselves to bed at 8pm. I close the bird room. Kiki is missing! I know where she is.... my room.Now she insists on sleeping with me and Zoey my pup. She hides until I fall asleep then I wakeup with her on my shoulder.Zoey loves her, so won't bark at her if she wants to snuggle with us. Need to nip this new behavior. Any suggestions? Nancy

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It is interesting. When Gracie bites, it is not a fast sharp bite. It is a very calculated pinch. I've never been sliced. Blood has come in tiny amounts, but only after she has clamped down and given it a good long pinch. Those bites are pretty rare. What Gracie has been doing lately is kind of popping me with her beak and saying "Ah Ah". She doesn't take any skin in her beak. Do any of your greys do a kind of "beak slap".

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No Amazon here so no idea about the bite comparison. When Timber is really trying to bite, he clamps down and grinds though. Been awhile for that thank God!


Jeff, I don't think Timber does that. He does take "nibbles" that are painless and not blood-drawing. Not exactly a pinch, but I would say that it is his "warning."

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