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Question about Sun Conure


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This morning when I took the cover off of my Sun Conures cage she was getting sick. The only thing she has eaten that was different was a small slice of organic apple, no skin. I could never get her to eat anything but pellets, seed until she saw my TAG eating other things. My TAG ate a slice of the same apple and did not get sick. She has been in her hut all morning. I will take her to the VET tomorrow but was wondering if it could be something I should take her to the Emergency Vet for today. She is molting so I am not sure if that has something to do with it. I was wondering if I should move her cage into another room to keep her away from my TAG.

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Is the Emergency Vet an avian vet? If so, then go. If not, the diagonis could be wrong. Look around and see if there's soft feces. She might have an infection or something else that got her sick. If you can hold out until tommorow then go to your avian vet. Bring a small amount of feces with you. Unless the cage is in a cold area there's no need to move it. That might get her upset.It could be a problem in the digestive track. Watch and see if she's constantly spitting up. The problem could be in the back of the throat. Don't move things around in the cage. We cant diagonis the problem here because there's no vets here. The problem could bee digstive.

PS--fruits can sometime cause loose droppings. Molting doesn't usually make a bird hide all day.



Sory about the health room mistake

Edited by Dave007
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Thank You. Yes the Emergency Vet is the Avian Vet I have used. I am sure I can get her in first thing in the morning. She is drinking and eating her Harrisons pellets right now. I didn't give her anything else this morning. I will keep an eye on her after she finishes eating and if she gets sick again or keeps hiding I will take her to the Vet right away.

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