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Chili's bedtime behavior update

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Chili is still giving me a hard time at bedtime (only at bedtime) Because he's flighted if i ask him to step on stick to avoid a potential bite (i assume he wants to bite by the pinning of his pupils) he steps up then flies away when i move toward the cage.

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How old is Chili? I went thru this same problem with my amazon Nilah. She was around 2 1/2. My hands felt like they were turned into hamburg, after I finally got her into her cage for bedtime, night after night. But I read somewhere when I first got her, NEVER allow an amazon to win, you HAVE to let them know YOUR the head flock. If they win by biting, it will only get worse and they will become uncontrollable. So...I allowed her to chomp down so she had the last word (she thought) but actually I had the last word, cause she still went into her cage and I never reacted or made a peep to her bite. I would tell her no bites, but I said it calmly so she didn't think I cared.

When I was at my wits end, I posted for help here...I had to turn all the lights off as Janet suggests and repeat over and over softly "time for Bed, nuh nites" which she says every night now. It was a stage she went thru as I suspected, and in time her bites became lighter and lighter, and barely anything if at all now.

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How old is Chili? I went thru this same problem with my amazon Nilah. She was around 2 1/2. My hands felt like they were turned into hamburg, after I finally got her into her cage for bedtime, night after night. But I read somewhere when I first got her, NEVER allow an amazon to win, you HAVE to let them know YOUR the head flock. If they win by biting, it will only get worse and they will become uncontrollable. So...I allowed her to chomp down so she had the last word (she thought) but actually I had the last word, cause she still went into her cage and I never reacted or made a peep to her bite. I would tell her no bites, but I said it calmly so she didn't think I cared.

When I was at my wits end, I posted for help here...I had to turn all the lights off as Janet suggests and repeat over and over softly "time for Bed, nuh nites" which she says every night now. It was a stage she went thru as I suspected, and in time her bites became lighter and lighter, and barely anything if at all now.


Hi Chili was 3 at the end of May. I think he already knows he can't get away with biting and that behavior gets him know where. "Most" of the time he is a paper tiger.


The last 2 nights he surprised me. He went into his cage by himself!!!! Around bedtime I have been opening the cage door and putting treats in his cage. I think maybe he is finally making the connection that there are treats waiting for him:)

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