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HELP!!! Penny (TAG) got out yesterday !!! I can hear her calling me... now what?!!


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This is a post I prayed I would never have to post!! Yesterday about 4pm, I went to open the back door, Penny flew to my head, but my Boston Terrier startled her and she flew off my head and right past me!! I found her in the trees in the yard, but I had no one to help me and I did something really stupid. After half an hour or so, I tried lowering the branch and spooked her again, and she flew right over the house!!! I' ready to throw up, I'm so sick about this!! around 8pm after calling her, i heard her whistle twice, then nothing, as it was dark. This am around 6 I went out and called her..... thank god!!! she called back to me over and over for over an hour and a half. It was so hard to tell where she was in the trees. I heard her from both sides of the trees... left and right and then the rear. We kept calling back and forth to each other. I have her playstand (that she loves) in the middle of the yard, with her bells and food and water on it. I haven't heard her "call" in over an hour. I had tons of hope because she was so CLOSE... now nothing!!!!!???? I never did see her... I just heard her. it was definitely her. I'm really worried because I saw a hawk right around the time, she stopped "calling me". I did see something in it's beak, but it seemed small (maybe a chipmunk etc) I had also seen them this am, running around. Any advice!!?? I hardly slept at all last night. Do you think she will stay close, knowing I'm close by?? I keep hearing they get really hungry after 2 or 3 days.... but when she was in the back (when i could see her) she was eating berries on the tree and plucking leaves as well. What if she doesn't get hungry!? They say they are more active before sunrise and at dusk. It is overcast today, should I keep calling her, give her time etc??? I'm so sick over this!!! I was going to clip her wings, but I need two people..... you know what ... it's too late now, it doesn't even matter!!! Any advice.... I don't want to give up hope, but it's been over an hour since she has called me!!!

Edited by berryblonde2u
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Why would she just stop calling though??? She was calling for over a hour and a half then nothing?? Is this what they meant by they are"active after sunset and before sunrise"?? Would they normally get quiet after those hours??I know she heard me.. she sounded sooo close!! I just couldn't find her. She always flew to my head... does it seem reasonable that if she sees me she may fly to my head?? I have her playstand in the middle of the yard ( area is wide open, easy to see) her food and water and toys etc.I couldn't imagine why she might fly out of my "calling area??

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I GOT HER!!!!! Oh Thank GOD!!! I saw her fly out of the tree to the middle of the yard and "missed" me!! I thought she was gone again, then she took another pass onto my arm!! I guess she couldn't pass up the peanuts!!!! Thank you guys for all your encouragement!! SHe's getting her wings clipped when my daughter gets home..... no ifs ands or buts!!!!! :))))))

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GreYt news!


I would suggest taking a few days before getting the wings clipped. I know that is the first thought once you retrieve your bird. I know this from previous experience and am glad I did not clip both my birds wings. Believe me, you will be much more "In Tune" from now on when exiting doors and just one wing flap will have you closing the door before your bird ever reaches you. :)

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Thank heavens you got your Penny back. It is clear she is very much your girl. She doesn't want to be away from you but now she has the advantage that your home and the area around it are in her world map. Often when pet parrots go out they get a sudden information overload. They get confused lost and frightened when that happens. It's not that they don't want to go back but they don't know how. It was your persistence in calling her that helped her work out where to go. You can be quite sure that if she goes out again she won't get lost! I can well imagine how scared you must have been. I know I would feel the same if Misty flew off. But here is the but. Please do not clip Penny. You may seriously affect her. She is obviously very used to flying around your home. Flying is fundamental to her own self image. The clipping options are light clip so she can still fly but with less control. If she did get out she would be far more at risk and less able to look after herself. obviously dangerous. Or you could go the whole hog and clip her so she can barely fly. As a former fully flighted Grey she would find that traumatic with unpredictable consequences. She might become a plucker and she could resent you. She would be sadder I am sure. You will have to take a little more care but remember you have a parrot that wants to be with you! Don't risk that special bond.


Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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I believe in light clipping. BUT your baby is already use to being an awesome flier, which may have saved her life.I think she will perceive it as a punishment for something she doesn't know what she did! Sophie was already clipped when I adopted her at age two. Sure, training her was much easier, but I slowly grew her feathers out. It truly took her ten years to fly like she wanted too!

Now, how many of us, especially parents of " open cage" deal.... main house and kitchen doors are meant for " emergency exit only!" I use garage only to answer all door bells, or leaving our home. We all do it! I'm not sure if our doors work anymore! Nancy

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Great news on getting Penny home. It is very apparent that she wanted to come home and be with you. She was determined to find you. I would suggest micro-chipping Penny rather than clipping. They so love to fly and I believe it gives them confidence to be able to fend for themselves in a unsafe situation. So please take a deep breath and think about it. Looking forward to seeing some pictures.

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So glad this story has a happy ending, I agree with not getting her wings clipped right away. Let both of you settle in again before you make any decisions. When my Peanut got out and then back I thought about clipping. But he has too many other problems, so I decided not to add to them by changing his ability to fly. ((Hugs to both of you)))

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I couldn't wait to have a moment to check in on you and am so happy to hear you have her back!

We are going to enclose the eave area by our back door and put in another door a little off to the side so if by chance one tries to follow us out there is a secondary safe net. With the 4 dogs going in out all day and night, i feel i am starting to push my luck. Gus actually flew into the door as i was shutting it this weekend.

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Whether you decide to "trim", or let your bird fly freely, is your decision. We will welcome you no matter what you choose to do. Also, be careful that you describe a " trim", if thats what you choose to do. A " clipped bird", can't fly. Even a " slight clip". Always ask for a trim. I have a groomer that could trim my birds to exactly what I wanted them to do. Tough to find a groomer that is so excellent with your request. I'm lucky I had one in dealing with Kiki our Amazon. When Sophie went in to get trimmed... it was nails and beak, and trimming the " air!" Nancy

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Happily I admit to reading from newest to oldest so I knew you had a happy ending to retrieving Penny. I could still feel the knot in my stomach and live through the awful time while you were searching for her. We also live in Suwanee, on the Forsyth county side. If I had been home I would have gladly searched with you. There are so many trees and she was probably quiet and still if she heard or sensed a hawk or any other animal which would make her fearful. That's also why they sometimes get driven far from home, or carried by the wind they have previously never experienced. Such elation at the great news she is home again. I was just thinking as I read the posts that in all the years I have been on the forum, I have never heard of the same parrot escaping after the first time. So happy you are reunited.

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