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Tuki doesn't look 12 weeks old...


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And the person I got him from SWEARS that he hatched April 5th. Most of the descriptions I read and the photos I see have shown me that a 12 week old Grey should be fully feathered. Tuki still has down on his shoulders, all under his wings (and I know that's the last place to fill in on any bird), and down by his tail. The tips of his flight feathers are just barely longer than the tip of his tail. When he's just sitting on my knee with his feathers down resting, you cant tell any of this, but when he starts preening or fluffs, it's very obvious. So I'm curious... is this what a 12 week old baby looks like and I just totally missed the ball on this one? (Completely possible!) If not, why would he be looking this way? Might he be younger? If so, should I do anything different? I'm interested in what y'all have to say. Thanks!

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I am no expert. I can only go by what my tag looked like, although she was 8 1/2 weeks old when she was shipped to me. I think that at 12 weeks, they are still quite young and will exhibit the down feathers, after all they are still a baby. I don't think he is any younger than that. He is beautiful and has pretty eyes.

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Okey dokey! I honestly didn't know what I'd have done differently, even if he was younger. Essentially, 8 weeks or 12 weeks, you just feed them and love them until they're ready to eat on their own. I guess it's more that I just wanted another opinion... and now I've got two. :)


This little guy is a doll. It only took us two feedings to figure out how to get our methods together. :) One of the hardest things I've found about taking over from someone else hand feeding is that everyone does it just a little bit different. The angle of the syringe is different, the type of syringe is different, the way we support the head is different... something is just enough different that it makes those first few feedings messy and frustrating for the hungry baby. (And if the hand feeder is new, it can be frustrating for them too.) I've had it take several days before a bird and I have gotten things straightened out, and in one instance, the bird weaned before we ever got our handfeeding rhythm down! (He just gave up on me, I think!) But Tuke and I have set a new record for me. :)


Hey - another quick question - Do babies like to sleep snuggled down into crevices, holes, or blankets? Tuki is happiest when he is 80% covered and had his head buried like the proverbial ostrich in the sand. Is this typical? LOL!! I think it's precious!

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