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Adding a bird to my flock...


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I have been wanting one more bird since we got Radar, and I want to do it soon. The only problem is I cannot decide what kind! So, my question is this: What bird makes a good companion for a grey? My breeder said not to get another grey as they would bond to each other. I would prefer the other bird be a talker also and good around kids. Any suggestions?


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We have more than one Grey here and no problems with them bonding too much jealousy there. Pionus are gentle souls and are another African bird as are Jardines who have bright colors and can be great companions.






07fc6086-401a-49c5-8313-3797facde191_thumb.jpgJARDINE'S PARROT

jardines_index.jpgThe Jardine's, an Amazon without the attitude. (SadieLady, a Lesser Jardine's, courtesy of Ginny's Jardine Pages.) A GENEROUSLY proportioned beak gives the Jardine's parrot an appealing, cartoonish appearance. There are three types of Jardine's, all near-identical, small green South African parrots. The Lesser Jardine's, also known as the orange-crowned parrot (Poicephalus gulielmi fantiensis), is the most commonly available in the United States. It sports a brownish-black back and wings, and orange crown, thighs and wing edges. The black-wing Jardine's (Poicephalus gulielmi gulielmi) is a slightly larger bird with a more reddish crown. The greater Jardine's, or Masai Red-headed parrot (Poicephalus gulielmi massaicus), has a smaller spot of red on the crown and broader green edging on the back feathers.

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No answers here, but I saw a pionus at a bird fair last year that wanted to go home with me so badly that I was tempted... I had only had Timber a few months and had a long way to go with him so I didn't get her. She was the sweetest, gentlest bird. On the other hand, I assume the can vary in temperament just as greys do.

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Tough to say! Kiki my amazon is a great companion, as well as Sunny my rescue sun conure. All have different personalities! Sophie LOVES to tease Kiki but Kiki doesn't put up with Sophie's crap. They NEVER bite each other. At the end of the day, after all their sisterly squabbles, I LOVE when I find them sitting on the couch together, enjoying the sunset. Nancy

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Kiki is an oranged wing Amazon! NOT the best talkers.... but Kiki makes up for it in personality, and being brave. Everyone waits for Kiki's opinion. BEST flier, BEST eater of healthy foods. Kiki is also very empathetic. Taught Sophie how to fly...Now on the downside.... Kiki also is the BEST destroyer of our home. Wood consumption. Amazon's also love to scream at the top of their lungs! Kiki will scream 15 minutes straight between the hour of 3-4 pm. Don't bother trying to stop them. Kiki LOVES opera music, which I hate, but thats okay. " Phantom of the Opera", her favorite music. Amazons are great.... but you have to have a tolerance of noise. Nancy

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LOL! I kinda thought the same thing when I saw you had seven kids! Noise doesn't bother me either. Kiki keeps her serious screams to 15 minutes! Sophie repeats it more! I like their combo personality. Kiki and Sophie have worked it out. Kiki also took Sunny under her wing, and they snuggle together every night. I don't think two greys would have worked for us. Bonding together, or competition. Nancy

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Panama Amazons are good talkers and different personalities than Greys. They are not very common Amazons. My Panama Amazon guy is a rescue, 11 years old, and he is very sweet and docile even when the other two parrots are hormonal messes. I have always heard Amazons are hormonal and difficult, but I have not found that to be true. Panama Amazons, especially, are sweeter, smaller, and talk better than the more flashy and common Double Yellow Head. Another thing I like about Amazons is they are obvious in what they are feeling. If they are excited it is obvious and you stay away because you may get bit. When they are nervous they have a distinct fragrance and you go slow, etc. It is not so with Greys. They are not so obvious and it takes awhile to really see what they are feeling. Have you also considered Eclectus? My friend has two, and they are soo sweet and go to anybody. She does work with them a lot though. If you want a good mix try to get a personality that complements your present bird. For example, if he is reserved get a goof ball for a second parrot. I believe it brings out new behaviors in the other parrot. Good luck with your search!

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Thanks chezron. I actually have a phone meeting with an eclectus breeder tomorrow for a female. That is actually the bird I really want, but there are so few breeders around me. We shall see! My short list is now either an eclectus or orange winged amazon. Both babies are available, I just have to make up my mind!

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Cinnyminis... I had three cages for my birds. I have " open cage" belief, which is very hard to have, unless you have 24/7 supervision, which I had when they were younger. We went from three cages to two. Amazon and sunconure bonded and became a couple. While trying to " upgrade" Sophie's cage, our african grey, she didn't like new cage. She decided to move in with Kiki and Sunny, and was welcomed. It was crazy! Now they treat the " mansion cage", as a gym, as well as have two playstands in front of the two cages. I DID bring back Sophie's old cage, but she was no longer interested. Oh brother! I left them with two cages, two gyms, and Sophie's old cage. Left them to figure it out. They have decided to sleep together on or in one cage, use all the others to play. Nancy

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Cinnyminis: So are you still considering the orange wing and/or grey, or are you leaning more toward eclectus now? I think all three are great. I'm sure you are aware that much is made of the differences between male and female eclectus' personality. I haven't had any experience, so I only know what is written and said about them. It seems that females can be the boss and must be handled very carefully when hormonal. I hate to say it, but females sort of get a bad rap. I doubt it is deserved, but they may require special care and understanding upon reaching sexual maturity. Of course the word on males is just the opposite, lovable chaps who seem to enjoy the whole family. Again, as we all know, each parrot is different and generalities should be taken with a grain of salt. Can't wait to hear what you decide.

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I have decided to go with the orange winged amazon. I already have the grey. The main reason, after speaking with the eclectus breeder- I really would prefer a boy, but there are none available in my area at this time, and the girl, while beautiful, I am worried about the hormonal issues, and also, the breeder mentioned the eclectus needs a special diet and may actually be allergic to the pellets I feed my grey. It's too much for me to think about at the moment! Plus, the amazon is local and the eclectus is 3 hours away. It's a shame too, we were thinking of naming the female eclectus Liberty. So.... orange winged amazon it is!!

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