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We're still not over the high of finding our lil Grey who was on the lam for two days. So happy to have her back. We would have really missed this girl. I just love getting up in the morning knowing this is who I'll be sharing breakfast with:



On the menu this morning: Okra, grapes, red raspberries, Adzuki/Garbanzo/Mung bean sprouts, and snap peas all sprinkled with a parrot spice that she loves loves loves.


Fork is used to help get her started eating, because if Daddy is eating it, it's got to be good!













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Yum yum is her expression and I love that look in the last picture, you caught her with her eyelids partly closed, I just bet you are so very glad you got her back and it looks like she is over her ordeal of two days on the lam, yum yum give me some more please.

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What great pics! I can't imagine how thrilled you are to have your girl back again. One question though, what parrot spice are you talking about? I need all the help I can get when it comes to getting Timber to eat anything (except junk food of course).

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It's a spice she came from the breeder with. She sells it for $5.00/ounce.


Consists of: alfalfa powder, barley grass powder, wheat grass powder, beet powder, carrot powder, garlic powder, kelp, dandelion greens, spirulena and yucca powder.


I've tasted it a few times but it's best property is it smells really good.

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Great pictures. I like the 2nd one - she seems to be telling you to get the camera out of the way so she can go back to eating.

I know how you feel about getting her back. Though mine was gone only 6 hours, I just sat and cried when he came back home.

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