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Elliott finally let me skritch his head


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I actually got to sort of pet him! On the head through the bars of the cage. He laid his head up against the bars and at first I was like oh h-e-double hockey sticks-I am not falling for that twice (he has already bit once with that particular con game). On the other hand, his body posture was calm so I took a chance. He probably thinks I am nutso now though because I was all cooing and telling him what a goooood bird he is. Still, it is more than I thought I would be able to do still at this point. He still is wary of stepping up for me or anything else but I have invented "games" to play with him, and he does enjoy trying to eat my toes and gets into some very precarious positions in order to reach them from his cage, he is quite athletic. He loves french fries too ... and he loves music. He dances from one foot to the other and bobs his little head and whistles completely out of tune, so I dance with him. We watch action movies together and he laughs when things explode.


Today his new cage should arrive so I hope this goes well. I had to get one for now so I got the mink brown cage from petco. The one he is in can't wait any longer to be replaced. It is awful not being able to pull out the grates (which are not bird cage grates) to clean it properly and I have seen him working at the bungie cords that actually hold it together.


I have had to work so much extra lately due to a person at work walking out, but now I am on vacation so I am looking forward to being able to post a bit more and keep up with the forums better.

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It sounds like things are going well with Elliott, but it does take time. The time you take to be with him to talk and play is what`s going to pay off in the end.

Some times grey time seams like a long time, but it`s always on their terms.

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Great news! Most of us start with head scratches through the cage bars, and I know what you mean about being concerned you are being lured in for a bite! Good progress though, and it will grow from there. Good luck with the cage switch. I had the cages sitting side by side and let Timber climb in and around the new cage before I made the switch.

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To many this may not seem like much but to us grey owners we know exactly how you feel, small steps add up to huge things and you are well on your way to greater things with Elliot, glad to hear of this wonderful progress.


Exactly my feelings! If I tell people who I work with they just sorta stare..lol I just had to tell people who understand :)

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Great news! Most of us start with head scratches through the cage bars, and I know what you mean about being concerned you are being lured in for a bite! Good progress though, and it will grow from there. Good luck with the cage switch. I had the cages sitting side by side and let Timber climb in and around the new cage before I made the switch.


I am going to try to set them side by side, I am not positive I will have room to do that, but I'll know in a few hours when UPS gets here :)

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I actually got to sort of pet him! On the head through the bars of the cage. He laid his head up against the bars and at first I was like oh h-e-double hockey sticks-I am not falling for that twice (he has already bit once with that particular con game).


Think that's most parront's least favorite game & most fid's love to play it. "Trick or Treat" grey-style. Always awesome when you get the Treat though! Even better when you're just starting to bond like you guys. Definitely over the moon time. Big Congrats on that & many, many more!


It would be so much easier if it weren't, but cage switching seems to be pretty much luck of the draw. Hope you guys get lucky. It helps some if you narrate while you let him watch from a safe distance as you build it, though. No real big emotion, just happy, chirpy noises. lol I also have a theory that it's much easier on them if you give them a few hours of daylight whenever you first close them in, because they're hardwired to be more alarmed by strange things in the dark. Same theory applies w/new toys, perches & such.


Try not to act worried if Elliot isn't exactly thrilled because our emotions are contagious. Just bribe him w/his favorite foods for a few days to ease the transition some & make sure he's eating enough while you wait it out.


But if any of Elliot's reactions are territorial, this might be a good time to work around those issues because he won't have an established territory to defend for a little while. If you're very lucky, this could be a good time to bond a little more because he's off balance enough to seek some reassurance. However sometimes they're just too unsettled & won't be approached w/o overreacting. It just might be worth exploring as long as you're prepared to take a very pointed "NO!!" for an answer though.

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