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Watching my Amazon come alive.

Ray P

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Cricket is a rehome and one of the greatest things I have enjoyed was to watch Cricket change and grow and become the companion that others said she would never be.

It`s said amazons are very difficult to deal with and I will not challenge that statement because I believe it may be true., but they can be dealt with.

Even today after 4 1/2 years you can see subtle changes in her that are small but when you put them all together they are huge.

One of the things that has evolved over the years is her noise level as she has become louder and louder and more demanding for my attention and when I say demanding I mean in a gentle way, but very vocal.

I have watched her grow and change and I enjoy every minute that I spend with her as she continues to change and grow.

I sometimes call her my amazonatoo (OK new word) or my Velcro zon (OK another word) after Cockatoos because they seam to fit what she has become.


P.S. Cricket is going to be 18 years old so their never too old to change.

Edited by Ray P
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Thanks for the update on Cricket. She certainly does sound like a shoulder ornament. As you know my BF zon is a 5-year-old male. They certainly are different from females, sounds like. Louie is very observant and tries very hard to do as I ask of him. He is a re-home also who belonged to the husband and was banished by the females of the household when the husband became ill. Louie is still trying to trust me. I love his gorgeous eyes as they are a soft brown and very active. I can't touch Louie, but he can touch me and loves to preen my hair. He is the favorite of all the family and friends. Go figure the parrot no one can touch is the most loved. People!


Would love to see some pictures of Cricket, she sounds like "Ray's girl".

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Awww Ray, I love to hear the progress that Cricket makes. Every baby step is a HUGE step for her. There is nothing quite like having an amazon. And I do LOVE their special smell. It gets stronger when they are excited.


Janet, they do have the most expressive eyes, I can tell exactly what Nilah's next ove is by watching her eyes, they are so easy to read.

One thing I learned, is you really have to assert yourselves with an amazon and always let them know who is boss, something I don't have to do with my greys. Nilah tests me all the time, but I never let her win....at least that's my opinion, I let her THINK she's winning....:)

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