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Not what I expected

Ray P

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I was at my dinning room table looking out at my backyard.

One of my chickens was out of her pen and walking around the backyard and was following my cat Socks.

Socks stopped and sat down in the grass and did not know the hen was behind him. The chicken than walk up behind Socks and pecked him hard in the back just above his tail, Socks jumped straight up into the air about a foot and when he came down he hit the ground running.

Don`t know what made the hen peck him, but Socks now gives the hen house a wide berth.

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I have two hens running up front (as opposed to the back of our property with the barn) with little chicks in tow. Greycie likes to sit and watch them on the lawn. She now does the chicken bock-bock-bock-bock--braaawwwk. It's really cute, we helped get her going on it. We over-emphasize the 'braaaaawk' part and she under-emphasizes it.


These hens were formerly docile when they had no chicks. One of them is now the meanest animal we have on the place. Dogs, hawks and cats give her a wide berth. She's even gone after me several times while feeding them.

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