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Choices Choices - What's the best way to do this?


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So... This is the situation. I'm getting an unweaned baby this week. He's about 10 weeks old at this point. Despite the fact that I'm a very experienced hand feeder, most of what I've read and heard about Grey's tells me that the one who feeds them shouldn't be the one who wants to be their eventual "Person." That said, I also know that many people have ended up bringing their baby home while it's still on one feeding/day and they provide that fill-up/comfort feeding at night. What I've not been able to find, though, is whether or not them providing that single feeding at night might still end up forming a parent bond with their bird that the bird will feel a need to break in three or four years.


Right now, I have another (very experienced) friend of mine who will be taking over the hand feeding process (from the breeder) for me. Some may question why, but there's a reason... you'll just have to go with me on this one. Anyway, I'm not planning on doing the handfeeding myself, but I'm wondering if I need to have her wean him completely for me or if I can bring him home when he's eating well and on one feed a day and not ruin my chances of a life long companion.


All opinions are welcome. I'm not going defend my choices, I'm just really here for a discussion of the pro's and con's. Thanks in advance for everyone's help!!!

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Hi Vicki5280 and welcome to the grey forums.

First you do not have to defend your choices as we all have had to make our own decisions when bringing our baby greys home.

My grey came home fully weaned and thats what we recommend for any person who has never hand fed a baby grey.

You said that you are a very experienced hand feeder so I don`t see a problem with you or your experienced friend finishing the job.

As far as the break away theory, I am not so sure that is all true when it comes to humans as many have finished the hand feeding and still have awesome greys.

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Ray - I really appreciate your response. :) Like everyone here, I'm about to bust with the impatience of finally getting my own baby after raising them for so many other people. However, I'd rather bust than do something that would mess up my chances of long term happiness with my bird.


Also, I hope I didn't sound too ugly or defensive in my original post. I guess I've just been a member of so many groups where people are attacked for buying unweaned that I made a preemptive strike. :/ (That's my shame face.) I hope I'll be forgiven.


Anyway, thank you for your opinion and for sharing your valuable experience. I greatly appreciate it!

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I have nothing to contribute because I don't have the knowledge. I have my first grey and I rehomed him at age 5 so no baby experience! I did want to say hello and welcome to the forum though! As Ray said so well, we all make our own choices for our own reasons. I didn't think your initial post was offensive in any way. No one likes to be hammered for decisions they make. Good luck and God bless :)

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I have two greys, my TAG I brought home fully weaned. My CAG was eating all kinds of food but still was eating evening formula. He was 5 months old. I spoon fed my CAG for two evenings and my TAG would finish up the remainder of the formula. My TAG was then 2 years old. After two evenings my CAG refused any formula. I live alone and my greys are bonded to me. I realize I did not formula feed them very much, not that's all I have. My TAG, Ana Grey, is almost 5 years old and my CAG, Sterling Gris (Fr. Grey) was 2 years old in March.

Edited by luvparrots
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My baby came home on three feedings a day. He also would eat solids and was down to the evening feeding only in just a couple of weeks. The evening feeding went on for a couple of months - I didn't want to rush him at all. He is now about 7 and so far I have not had any problem with him not wanting to be with me. Hope this helps. Please stay and give us updates on your baby. Are you sure it is a boy?? TAG or CAG? Any name yet? LOL

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BratBirds - That does indeed help. Thank you very much! And to answer your question, we got the DNA back on him a couple of weeks ago - so he's definitely a boy. <3 I'm super excited - though it has nothing to do with his gender... I really didn't have a preference. I haven't heard anything about either one being "better" than the other than the "rule of thumb" that males in general are more easy going than females. But since I seem to have a bunch of persnickety hens that I call my babies, I figure it just doesn't really matter! LOL! I searched high and low for my bird. He's a Timneh. It took me months to find him. When I was finally ready to buy, all I could find were Congos. I'd done some research and compared the differences and decided that a Timneh was what I really wanted even though people kept trying to talk me out of one. Silly people! Don't they know how hard headed I am? I PLAN!


And as for names, I've got a semi-short list that I'll try on when he gets here. I can't give him a name until I've met him ... I just have to make sure it fits. I can't name him Winston when he's got a Banjo personality, now can I? LOL!


So here's the list, if you're interested.














Of course, who knows, I may end up calling him Leo, John, or Stitches... I'll just have to see! haha!


So, that's the story on the baby to be! I just can't wait to get him here so I can see him!

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Mine was weaned when we brought her home but she got me back on the hand feeding - smart birdy! Actually she was 4 months when we brought her home and fully weaned. I asked the breeder about the baby behavior and she said go ahead and give her what she wants she'll eventually outgrow it on her own. She's 8mos now and only relapsed after a stint outside on her own for two days. Back to normal now though.

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Once you have your grey home and have a chance to observed his personality, the naming will be a piece of cake. It is so hard to wait!!

I know! He was supposed to come home on Monday, but my breeder had a family emergency so it was delayed and I had to wait. It's looking like tomorrow or Friday now... and I can hardly stand it! And you're right about the naming. Once I meet him, the name will likely come pretty easy. I've only had one bird that took me longer than a couple of days to come up with a name for - I'm just so anxious to find out who I'm going to have! LOL!


Today 11:00 AMGreywings

You have a fun list of names, sometimes they have a mind of their own when it comes to a name. I am leaning towards the more unusual names-Tuki, Banjo & Rufus all sound good to me.

Yeah, I tend towards less common names as well. None of the names I've picked out are super common names - I don't THINK, anyway!



Today 08:27 AMRay P

If you named him Sue he could say , I`m Sue how do you do, and mean it.



Today 04:57 AMdanmcq

Just don't name him Sue..... referring to the Johnny Cash song.

Sue never even occurred to me! lol!


Yesterday 08:05 PMBrat Birds

That is a neat list of names. You are right, you don't want a Winston with a Banjo personality! LOL

I am so glad he is a Timneh - so is Peanut. I let my granddaughter name him, since she most likely will inherit him someday.

Well, isn't that nice of you! It never would have occurred to me to let someone else name my bird, regardless of whether or not they'd end up with him eventually. I suppose I'm way more selfish than you. :( But, then again, I don't have grandkids and my kids are quite selfish enough on their own.



Yesterday 05:52 PMTimbersmom

Cool list of names! I'm leaning toward Levi...

I like Levi too..


TODAY'S favorites list includes: Tuki, Winston, Kabi, Levi, and Ronan (Ronan is new to the list).

Edited by Vicki5280
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I've learned that making a huge list of names is useless, at least in our case. I've attempted to name three birds myself and kept a nice long list of names.


Our GCC, I settled on 'Skittles' and my daughter prompltly re-named him to 'Stewart' from the Mad TV skit. He goes by 'Stewy' most of the time unless he's in trouble and then it's full-on 'Stewart'. I have to say it fits him perfectly.


Our Jardine's parrot was 'Sweet Pea' and the wifey re-named her 'Raven'. Again fits her.


We also have Pickles our parrotlet. I can't recall what name I had picked out for her. Again, the daughter side-stepped that name and applied her real one.

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Sterling - that is too funny.

Vicki, I never would have thought to let my daughter name him - but my granddaughter - ahhh that is another story LOL.

I really didn't like the name at all, but what could I do, I had told her she could name him. The name grew on me and

on him too!

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I like the name Winston or Rufus! Again.... your baby will help you decide. As far as weaning, I prefer a bird to come home around 16 weeks. BUT... if you know how to feed a baby beforehand... thats GREAT! Whats the difference? Kiki wouldn't fully wean until around nine months. She continued to need three spoonfuls of baby food, gradually weaned to a spoon. At nine months, down to one spoonful. She told me her needs, I met them! Now Kiki is the best eater.

Don't ever let anyone or any site, make you feel defensive. Our birds don't come with a " letter with instructions!". Nancy

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I like all the names. You mentioned "Ronan". That made me think of "Ronin" . I used to live in Japan and a "ronin" is a renegade samurai whose leader has been killed. The Ronin then live the rest of their days to avenge their master's death. It's kinda cool in my mind. Sometimes a grey's beak can strike like a samurai sword!

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Ronin sounds like an awesome name!Once you get to know your bird.... their personality helps make the decision. Sophie came with her name.Sunny's name was icecream when we adopted him. Icecream was chosen by his foster mom. I was NOT going to call our bird " Icecream!" As Ryan was chosen by Sunny... an abused bird that hated everyone, he got to choose Sunny's name. Nancy

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