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Extermination revisited.


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I posted a few weeks ago about having to have exterminators visit because of a brown recluse problem. I coordinated the visit with us leaving with Radar for a week. Well, evidently the treatment was not sufficient enough as we have a massive brown recluse issue, according to the exterminator. He is coming back to retreat this week. Most of the treatment will be done in the basement, and he will be spraying the first and second floors again.

I have planned on Radar going in his travel cage next door to my mother's house for about 5 hours afterwards. Do yall think that is a sufficient amount of time for him to be gone? Just curious.


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I posted a few weeks ago about having to have exterminators visit because of a brown recluse problem. I coordinated the visit with us leaving with Radar for a week. Well, evidently the treatment was not sufficient enough as we have a massive brown recluse issue, according to the exterminator. He is coming back to retreat this week. Most of the treatment will be done in the basement, and he will be spraying the first and second floors again.

I have planned on Radar going in his travel cage next door to my mother's house for about 5 hours afterwards. Do yall think that is a sufficient amount of time for him to be gone? Just curious.



Why five hours? can't it be longer? I would take no chances with Misty in that situation!


Steve n Misty

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I wouldn't think 5 hours would be sufficient to air out chemicals used in exterminating pests, I am thinking more on the lines of days or even weeks, you need to do more research on what exactly they are using and what is recommended, your avian vet may be of some help also.

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Earlier in the year we had to have work done arougn the house... We moved cages to the garage and the fids were boarded for several days... It's just not work the risk to me. I did go and visit with them while they were boarding... it was like they had a big sleep over.


Good luck with the spider issue... I do not envy you.



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Where do you live? Have you seen the spider? The reason there are spiders present is because the environment is right for them, change the environment, and they will go away--WITHOUT harmful pesticides. You also NEED to ask the operator WHAT pesticides he/she is using and research them on your own. They are in business to apply pesticides, and they will, unless you understand the toxicity issues. Also, learn about the brown recluse, they tend to avoid human contact if possible. Pesticides ARE toxic, and maybe far worse then the threat of an easily avoidable spider.

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I can't imagine that at least 48 hours before birds come home.Ask the exterminator their opinion! Bird lungs are very fragile. Whenever I redue hardwood floors, I plastic off the room, open the windows, and birds are not allowed to go in the rooms until two weeks later. They get moved to opposite end of house.( usually MY room, where they are thrilled and think we are having a sleepover!)LOL Nancy

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Thank you to all! We wound up leaving him at my mother's house the entire day, and after airing out the house with a fan and wiping everything down in the cage with hot soapy water, we brought him home about 10 hours after. It went well. The bulk of the extermination was in the basement and done with powder, so he will not be allowed down there for several weeks (he rarely goes there anyways).

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We saw and caught at least 28 brown recluses, including one in at least every room of my three story house. It has more to do with the age of the house and the basement with drop ceilings. We have altered the environment as much as we can. This same house had to be tented 7 years ago to deal with the issue. I am currently renting from my sister. These spiders were not avoiding contact with us, we found one in bed on the pillow with my 4 year old, and my teenager had one crawl up his leg during the daylight hours. It is a freaking nightmare but we have no other option but to exterminate. I cannot move, and we cannot have these spiders.

It has all gone well though, and Radar is okay. (See my post about what we did.)

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My sister had a similar experiences with recluses in her house. For all the literature the tells you about them sticking to the dark, etc., her daughter was bitten twice in her room in broad daylight in the center of the room (once after their first extermination). Makes me wonder how much they really know about that spider, because my sister said they seemed almost aggressive and certainly spent enough time out and about in daylight that they saw them. I sure hope this extermination works for you!

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