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Update to Whisper's homecoming and broken wing.


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Original post here http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?199778-Whisper-is-coming-home. I am going into more detail than necessary here in order to share info that might be helpful to someone else.

On Saturday morning I drove 5 hours to pick Whisper up. They remembered that it had been 3 weeks since the accident rather than 2 weeks. :( She had her stuff ready and Whisper already in her travel cage waiting for me so I didn't get to interact much with Whisper at this point. I had to hurry anyway to get there in time for her appointment. I then drove a little over an hour to Louisville to the Avian Vet. Sam Vaughn. He was Whisper's vet when I lived in Ky and I highly recommend him.

She had an x-ray of the broken wing and blood work. They gave her anesthesia to do the x-ray but it wore off really quickly with no ill effects from that. Diagnosis: She will never fly again. He told me that if they had brought her in when it first happened that that he could have fixed it. He has done it hundreds of times. He said it is now completely healed and that he could do surgery to re-break it and put a pin in it but he did not recommend it. He said that the risk of complications outweighed the benefits. It was a bad break right in the joint. He said he has done the surgery many times and if she were a falcon or other bird that had to fly then he would do it. At this point she is not in any pain it is cosmetic. She can sail to the ground and move around her cage just as she did in the beginning when I first got her and she was clipped from the breeder. I had later let her flight feathers grow in and she has been flighted for may years.

She was also slightly anemic and he gave her an iron shot and a calcium shot. Her calcium level was normal but he liked to see a Grey's on the higher end of normal. It appeared she had been eating too many seeds (her poop was green) and the pellet they gave her may not have been the best quality. I am switching her back over to Harrison's as soon as I can get it ordered.

We then drove 6 hours back home. She did very well on the long drive beside me in the car in her travel cage.

When we got back she acted fine. Ate and drank. No big kisses or obvious recognition but was asking for scratches and didn't seem to have been bothered by any of it. I her cage together and she went in with no problem. It was her old cage that she had before. They were using a smaller one and had stored her 2 big cages. I was very happy with the way things were going so far.


The next morning things were not so well.. She was in a bad mood all morning. Didn't want to have anything to do with me. Didn't want to step up and even beaked me hard when I tried. I was disappointed but was prepared for it to take some time. We just left her alone and just spoke to her occasionally. Around 2:00 we had to go out and do some shopping. We were gone until about 4:00 and when we returned it was a whole new Whisper. She was calling to us as soon as we opened the door. She was sweet and kept asking for scratches and almonds. Complete turnaround!!

She still won't give me kisses and I can't say I have seen the "light go on" as far as recognition goes but I am thrilled that things are going so well. :D

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Thank you for the update on Whisper. It is a shame that her wing was not repaired in time to correct it but at least now she is home with you and her life can be turned around. Looking forward to hearing more about her has she relaxes and know that she is safe at last.

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It is good to hear you and whisper are back home and settling in. Things sound like you and her are all ready starting the re-bonding process and both will be much happier as time passes and it just feels like a brief separation occurred in the decades you will spend together. :)

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Thanks everyone for the encouraging words. So far it is as if she never left. Like it was just a one week vacation. The only difference is that the large vocabulary she had seems to have been replaced with chirps, beeps and alarms. She learned these from the other birds that were in their home. Their birds did not talk but made these sounds instead. I am hoping that as time passes and she no longer hears them she will stop. I am talking to her all the time saying a lot of the phrases she used to say hoping she will remember them.

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If it were my bird i would think about surgery to make flight possible, but if this is not your choice, I respect that.


The vet did not recommend doing it. Risks, complications, pain and stress. He has her best interests at heart. He personally had everything to gain. (money) and nothing to lose by doing it. The break was in the joint and complicated. I trust his decision and advice.

Edited by Char
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She is talking more last night and this morning. Still making those ear splitting sounds she learned from the other birds though. I am now receiving kisses again too. Love those birdie kisses.

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The vet did not recommend doing it. Risks, complications, pain and stress. He has her best interests at heart. He personally had everything to gain. (money) and nothing to lose by doing it. The break was in the joint and complicated. I trust his decision and advice.


I have a macaw with a missing wing due to it being broke. They did try the pin method to save the wing and it didn't work and probably put him through extra stress. The reason they tried was to save the wing, the reason it did not work is because birds naturally flap even when settling down and the pin just won't stay most of the time in the correct place to help the bone heal since it has to stay for a while before being removed again. This was a long time ago, and he is doing quite well without. He lost his confidence for a bit, but gained it back and most people who meet him for the first time don't realize he is missing one for a while. Congrats though on bringing her home!

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