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is this going to hurt him?


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With our electricity price being over the moon I am not wanting to run my AC for the summer. I was able to find by accident some sun reflector, basically it is a silver paper similar to tinfoil but much thinner you can see through it. Anyway you place it on your windows and it keeps the sun out thus keep your house cooler. It does work really well, our temps outside right now are 31, inside my house its 24.


However, it does make the house quite dark, I wondered if the darkness was going to hurt him, we are up and living normal like we would anytime in the day, and he is quite chatty and noisy as well, so it isn't like he is shut away in the dark alone or in the quiet but I am worried about him being in so much darkness and his well being. I open the windows in the evening usually about 7 so its light then but he puts himself to bed about 8....in the morning I close the windows and its dark again.....Sometimes he is in the falsely darkened room for 11 hrs thru the day and then all night naturally. I don;t wanna harm him in anyway but yet don't wanna pay thru the nose to run my ac kwim??


It isn't like this everyday but looking at the weather I am thinking for the next 5-6 days it will be like this.....

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My main room is very dark during the day, only a few small windows that are near the ceiling, and Jake doesn't seem to be bothered by that. I have read that Greys in the wild roost in the trees during the day which would be naturally dim. Just try and take him outside for some natural light before or after the heat of the day.


Edited to add. I use both a full spectrum and avian uv light for times when we can't go outside.

Edited by Wingy
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