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I will be moving from Cape Cod to South Carolina in just a few weeks, and I am worried about the best way to transport my birds. I have Two grey's a Macaw, and a conure. I know the trip is going to be stressful on them as it is, any ideas or thoughts about what I can do to make the whole process easier on them ? I really do not want to send them into some sort of panic. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.





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I have a CAG, a BFA and cockatiels that have traveled all over the country with us and they seam to enjoy the trips.

they are right with us and we talk to them all the time. they have even stayed in hotels, motels, friends and relatives homes and even camping.

Make them part of the fun when you travel and things should OK.

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Ray gave good comments. I would suggest getting them used to their own carriers during the next two weeks, if they are not already used to them. Then as Ray said, talk to them, point out items you see as you go etc. Tell them during these two weeks about going to the "New House" in a happy and excited voice. Once you get to your new home, I woul densure you get the cages in first and place you birds in them so they have their cage which they know and feel safe in. Also, setup any T-Stands, Tree Stands etc. so when you let them out they have a favorite roosting place to go to and check things out.

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Take them out on practice runs to get them used to their travel cages and make the experience fun for them so they don't stress out when it actually happens, my grey travels well, she plays in her travel cage and vocalizes while watching the scenery go by.

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Excellent advice on the trial runs Judy. If you might be traveling when it is dark be sure to include that in your trial. If your flock has a preference in music or favorite songs you can make a playlist or cd so you have something to quickly put on if someone decides to have a screaming fit or becomes frightened. With the warm sun please be sure that you can keep what ever type of travel cages or crates that you use cool to the touch, pad the bottoms well with bird safe absorbent material that nails will not get caught on and use low perches that your gang can get a good grip on.

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