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New Behavior

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Hi everyone,


Chili displayed a new behavior last night. He seemed fine when I got home from work and all evening until it was time to go to bed. I guess he flat didn't want to go in his cage. He dive bombed me which is something he has never done. He is not crazy about having to go into his cage. Even if his most favorite treat is there waiting for him. If I ask him to step up when it is around bedtime he starts pinning his eyes and I know enough to not offer my hand. I must wait for him to come to me to be able to put him in his cage but even then I can tell he's not happy. I can't transfer him with a stick because he'll just fly off (remember he's flighted).


I do some routine things when it gets close to bedtime such as close the shutters, lift the covers from their cages (they are cage-free in the birdroom all day and the cages are kept covered while they are out), refresh their water dishes, etc. I am wondering if changing this routine up will help. Any other suggestions??



Edited by fidsandfrats
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Nothing like changing things up a bit to upset the routine and then he won't know whats next, other than that I haven't a clue for mine are ready for bed when that time comes and I never have a problem out of any of them, they go right into their cage.

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Mine now put themselves to bed around 8pm. I don't think it is a bad thing, he knows whats coming. Bedtime is bedtime. A dive bomb would have been a " timeout" in our home. Bedtime... I have always been firm about. As I never close the cages, nor the room door until I go to bed.... I have returned many a bird over and over to their cage.I also have a chair in birdroom for singing and reading a book, but they still are expected to go to bed. I'm always there for night terrors( yes they are real). Once all is well... off to bed! Nancy

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  • 2 weeks later...
Mine now put themselves to bed around 8pm. I don't think it is a bad thing, he knows whats coming. Bedtime is bedtime. A dive bomb would have been a " timeout" in our home. Bedtime... I have always been firm about. As I never close the cages, nor the room door until I go to bed.... I have returned many a bird over and over to their cage.I also have a chair in birdroom for singing and reading a book, but they still are expected to go to bed. I'm always there for night terrors( yes they are real). Once all is well... off to bed! Nancy


Can you give me an example of a timeout? I wish mine went to their cages themselves. How did you get them to do that? Thanks

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While I have " open cage" belief... putting my birds to bed, was like putting my children to bed! They would comeout over and over... the answer was NO.... back to bed! If they cameout and dive bombed me.... that was a serious NO... and they had a timeout cage in a separate room that they went into for five minutes. I always discussed with them after why I wasn't pleased. I also was understanding of a birds issue, needing to be with me. When Sophie was ten, she started to revolt against bedtime! ( teenager?) I put her down in front of her cage on floor to work it out herself! She did. I know it sounds terrible that I am firm with timeout... and it is NEVER in their own cage, as that is too much fun with toys,but it has worked for us.I'm pretty strict with my expectations of my birds. No shoulder, until you deserve this status, no biting allowed. I know it sounds like a dream... but if we don't have expectations and train them... it won't happen!

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