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hello, hellooo HELLOO .. i think its great :)

charlie boy

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  • 1 month later...

little update :)


charlie has added a few more words to his list haha


"hello charlie boy, what ya doing"

"whats up boy"


"hello baby" (then blows a kiss lol)

"hello chicken"


and he can also cry like my friends dog does haha which is annoying :)


when my sister was over with my 2 month old nephew charlie heard him cry and was really listening, i hope he dont pick that up lol crying baby sounds for the next 4 or 5 decades :(

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Hearing the expanding vocabulary is always so exciting! As to the baby crying, who knows! You'll just have to hope for the best on that one. Timber makes four distinct "meows." One of them sounds like a very distressed cat (think tail caught in door). He uses that one most because he knows it is guaranteed to bring me running. Ha.

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Hearing the expanding vocabulary is always so exciting! As to the baby crying, who knows! You'll just have to hope for the best on that one. Timber makes four distinct "meows." One of them sounds like a very distressed cat (think tail caught in door). He uses that one most because he knows it is guaranteed to bring me running. Ha.


haha yeah there just like kids and know exactly how to get your full attention :) as for the baby crying sounds fingers crossed he has'nt picked it up, otherwise my nephew stays away untill he stops crying lol (only joking :))

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  • 3 months later...

what can i say :) ... he just will not shut up haha he is hilarious..


i was up stairs today and the kids shouted me and said, "dad, did you hear charlie" .. "he has just asked if you had insurance" have you got insurance, have you got insurance...


haha it cracked me up.. im presuming he picked this up off the radio :)

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  • 1 month later...

He was 4 when I met Dorian so I don't know his first word. He does pick up partial things from the TV. I realized I watch a a lot of questionable TV when he started mumbling "viewer discretion" from the "viewer discretion is advised" warning, but he's never said the whole phrase.

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