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Enjoys talking to herself??


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I discovered that Sukei likes to hear herself and talk back as long as she hears it playing.


Found this out when showing a video to someone that had the audio turned up,


She really seems to enjoy it and wont stop chattering till the video stops.


Each time I do it, she adds to dialog with a new type sound.


Is this a bad thing to do with her?


ANY time you fire off audio she immediately starts to talk back to herself.


I checked if it was just parrot chatter in general by running some audio of a different parrot, and she doesn't utter a peep, just to her own.


Scratching my head on this one???

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Thats interesting Kevin that she only seems to like and respond back to her own voice or perhaps sound affects. My Grey is just the opposite, if I play his videos he sits and seems very bored. But when I play another Grey speaking or whistling and even sound effects, Dayo will respond back. But my thought is, if it stimulates Sukei to respond, then continue to do so. :)

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She may think there is another grey and she is interacting with it by talking back but its adorable and nothing wrong with it. Now my grey will listen intently when she hears another grey like if I play a video of a grey talking or playing, I believe she recognizes its another bird like her.

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