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Hi fellow grey lovers. I am concerned about my 16yrs old male grey. As of lately he has been closing his eyes all the time and shaking a little and eating less. unfourtunely Ive only been with him for 2 yrs and all he eats is Sunflower seeds. (Not sure if this is bad) Also he opens he mouth wide and in slow motions looks like he has a breathing problem. Head down alot but still talking a little. Please some feedback. I will for sure go to the vets tomorrow, but whated some feedback. thx Kiko

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I am sorry to hear of this issue. Please see the vet ASAP as you indicate are your intentions. It is very important you see an avian vet for the best evaluation and potential treatment. It is hard to provide specific advice from your description other than it warrants expert evaluation. Do you have any weight data on your Grey? Loss of weight is a sign of illness they cannot hide. Also, have you noted any changed in his droppings? From your description something is going on that needs attention.


Until you can get to the vet do everything you can to ensure a good environment, not too cold, no drafts etc and ensure plenty of water is available (I am sure you are doing that). It is good that he is eating/drinking and talking. I certainly wish you all the best and hope that the vet can provide guidance for good improvement.


Please keep us posted. Perhaps other members can provide additional advice.

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Kiko wrote:

Hi fellow grey lovers. I am concerned about my 16yrs old male grey. As of lately he has been closing his eyes all the time and shaking a little and eating less. unfourtunely Ive only been with him for 2 yrs and all he eats is Sunflower seeds. (Not sure if this is bad) Also he opens he mouth wide and in slow motions looks like he has a breathing problem. Head down alot but still talking a little. Please some feedback. I will for sure go to the vets tomorrow, but whated some feedback. thx Kiko


First, it's a good thing you're getting him to the vet as they're the only one that can give actual "expert" advice. Secondly the all sunflower seed diet is absolutely awful for them. It offers no nutritional value, they can get fatty liver disease from the excess fat in their system from the seeds. They can also get vitamin deficiencies from the poor diet. I've got my fingers crossed that this little one would be ok. If he ends up making it I would look into a diet change immediately :)

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THX alot for all the feedback. Its nice to know you have support out there. Well what I read online was right and you were all right too!!! Absolutely no more sunflower seeds. What the vet said was ONLY Fresh fruit like apples, oranges, banana pears and even baby food. So we have thrown away ALL the seeds and are starting him on a new diet. Also I will remind the lady at the pet store who sold me 5 kilos of sunflower seeds for my grey that they are not good. Short story long the only signs were the drinking of more water and the eyes closing. thanks forum Emma and Juan

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Wow!!! 5 Kilos of Sunflower seeds???


Was that the only thing he was eating? No wonder he became sick.


Everything in moderation and an abundance of veggies, fruits, some pellets like zupreem, Harrison's etc. and various seeds and nuts is a well balanced diet for any Parrot.


How is your Grey doing at eating things other than sunflower seeds now?

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Never given to them? I'm not trying to start anything. Just trying to clarify. I give Richard a mix of pellets and seeds, which include a sparse amount of sunflower seeds (unsalted, of course...I tasted it). Of course, this mixture is all in one bag and was recommended by my seller. They take care of a room full of parrots and birds and none of them are sick. And of course, I give him fruits and veggies. I'm a fruit/veggie addict myself so this works out great. No need to buy any extras just for him.


I was told, by the way, not to give your bird ANYTHING you wouldn't eat yourself. Even the pellets should be fortified with vitamins with no gross byproducts.


This is just a guess, Kiko, but did you buy your bird from a pet store that sells a few parrots and a mixture of animals? I went to a nationwide pet store and overheard the clerk advising a new cooter owner to feed the turtle iceberg lettuce and he should be fine. As a veteran turtle owner, I know iceburg lettuce should never be given to turtles and they should eat a variety of dark green lettuce, spinach, fruits, veggies and clean bugs (storebought so they don't have worms in them). Anyway, I chased down the woman and corrected her and then went back to the clerk and corrected him...not to show off, but for the sake of the turtles. I'd hope others would do the same, and wish someone was there to steer you in the right direction.


My point being, the clerks in these petstores make minimum wage and don't know much about animals because to do so would mean they'd have to study up on every single animal in their store. I'm not implying EVERY clerk is this way...some work there because they DO know something about animals. And no offense to anyone who purchased their birds in these stores and/or those who work there.


My advice would be to seek out a store who specializes in birds and ask them for advice (or, of course a vet who does). If you're planning on purchasing a bird, you might want to find a bird-specialty store. I would guess they'd also be less expensive (mine was) because they aren't selling a few to make a buck.<br><br>Post edited by: Richardsmommy, at: 2007/10/25 16:22

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