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Whisper is coming home.

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I don't know if some of you remember me but I was a member a few years ago with my sweet CAG, Whisper. After I went through a divorce I had a big change in lifestyle and was working 12 hours a day. I also became ill and was overcome with medical expenses. I made a very tough decision at that time to re-home Whisper. It broke my heart but I felt I was doing the best thing for her at the time. The new home had 2 other Grays, one of which they had for over 15 years. One of them also worked from home and the birds had lots of attention. I felt good about where she was going.


I made them promise that if they ever had to give her up that they would call me.

Things have improved drastically for me over the past two years and a couple of days ago I got the call. I was thrilled and said "Yes, I would love to have her back!" I have missed her so much and never stopped loving my girl. They now have a 2 yr old child and are having a hard time giving enough attention to the birds and feel they are doing the right thing for her.


Now the bad news.. 10 days ago Whisper broke a wing. Instead of taking her to the vet, they sought advice from a vet friend of theirs in another state who told them that there is not too much can be done for a broken wing and it would probably mend on it's own. She is eating well, weight is good but the wing is still not right. I am now living in Alabama but this Saturday I am driving to Kentucky and taking her straight to an Avian vet. I am upset with them for not rushing her to the vet right away but they trusted their vet friend's advice. It could be that he was correct but I won't believe that until she looked at. Say a prayer for her and for me. I am very nervous that she won't remember me. They say she has become very nervous and quiet since the accident.

Edited by Char
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Sorry about Whispers broken wing and a trip to the vet is the best thing to do and I hope every thing turns out OK.

I am so glad Whisper is coming home to you. she will remember you but it may just take some time for her to readjust.

Good luck with your home coming and the vet visit.

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Birds are quiet when sick or injured it is instinct to conserve energy and to avoid predation. She is in pain and having some pain meds like Metacam will help her feel better and reduce the inflammation, good she is still eating and drinking. Very pleased to hear she will be visiting with the Vet. do please let us know the findings. Glad to see you back and reunited! I live with a Grey Whisper too, Great name.

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I remember that you had to give her up but so glad to hear she is coming back to you and yes she will remember you but it may take a while for her to settle back into your home especially with a broken wing. They should have taken her in to see an avian vet right after it happened but at least she will be going with you, I hope there is something they can do for her, at least give her something for pain for she surely is experiencing that, keep her warm until you can take her.

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Oh I am so happy for you both! Yes, let us know as soon as you have gone to the vet. They never forget no matter how many years go by, thast has been proven. I bet she will be so happy and become her old self once she settles in and is feeling better.

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Good to see you back Char! It's great your back on solid ground now with your health, finances and wonderfully united once again with Whisper. I pray all turns out well with Whisper's broken wing at the avian vet visit. :)

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Thank you all for the well wishes and the welcome. It is going to be a tough weekend for my girl. A visit with the vet that will probably include X-rays, a 6 hour car ride to her new home in Alabama and then settling in to her new home. It will really help if she remembers me. She is a very unusual Grey so I think she will adjust quickly. I can't tell you how much I have missed her. Even after all this time I would still get tears in my eyes every time I talked about her. Funny thing is..I always knew that she would come back to me some day.

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Thank you all for the well wishes and the welcome. It is going to be a tough weekend for my girl. A visit with the vet that will probably include X-rays, a 6 hour car ride to her new home in Alabama and then settling in to her new home. It will really help if she remembers me. She is a very unusual Grey so I think she will adjust quickly. I can't tell you how much I have missed her. Even after all this time I would still get tears in my eyes every time I talked about her. Funny thing is..I always knew that she would come back to me some day.


I'm not sure how long you had her the first time but I posted a story about my previous Grey who I also lost due to a divorce. She ended up with my aunt after my ex-wife could no longer care for her. I had her when I was 19 and lost her at 24. I went and saw her again at my aunt's house after not seeing her for 19 years. She knew who I was and lapsed into some behaviors that we used to do that my aunt said she had never witnessed her doing in those years she has had her. They do remember.

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I had her for nearly 3 years. We were very close. She has been away from me for 2 years. I went to visit her twice during that time. The last time she was friendly like she is to most people and took a treat from me from her cage. I started to talk to her and repeat some of the things that I taught her to say and all of a sudden you could see the light go on! She stood up straight, flashed her eyes and jumped on me and started kissing me all over my face. I couldn't go back to visit after that. It was too painful. I am hoping I will have the same response from her when I see her tomorrow but I am prepared to be patient and give her space if she needs it. The broken wing accident has been traumatic for her but the other family says she is doing great this morning. Eating and talking just like always.

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I am happy to have her home. I have apologized to her a million times for giving her up. I really did believe I was doing the best thing for her at the time. I tried to hang on to her as long as I could. I was traveling for work and I would get home late after being gone for 12 hours at a time. When she started plucking that is when I knew how much she was suffering. This couple were friends of a friend and already had a CAG and a Tag they had for many years. Both their birds were flighted, someone was home all day with them and they got plenty of attention. I think the problem started when they had the baby and their priorities shifted. they had a loss of income that was making things difficult for them. They told me they feel so bad about the damage to her wing and they trusted their vet friend who told them nothing could be done for it. I told them their mistake was not calling me as soon as it happened. I would have gone then and took her to the vet. Of course I did not get reimbursed the $450 for the vet bill either but I don't care about that. I would have found the money somehow when if first happened.

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