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30 Seconds and GONE!


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It finally happened today. It is my day off and I try to spend most of it with the Wife and Sukei.


The wife and I were giving her the usual shower.


Afterwards we brought the cage with her on top to the window to dry in the sunlight (Usual Routine)


I thought I would try and get her to step up, but it turns out step up was the problem....


It was more like back down LOL.


I put my hand behind her and just gently lifted up.


There she was siting on my hand..... She looked at me and I looked at her both of us in shock I think LOL.


Lasted about 30 seconds because I did not want to spook her, I moved to the perch and she got off......the ride was over :D

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FANTASTIC! Stick with it, never giveup. It does take time as the trust develops.It is also a slow process. Their time, not ours. I was happy that it took six months for us.BUT....that was more than ten years ago....I never gave up and was patient.Now I never ask Sophie to stepup.....I ask her for a moment to go to the bathroom when I get home from work.She waits patiently in the bathroom with me.Nancy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sometimes I think they scare themselves & they'll bolt until they recover from the shock of doing something so huge. Don't try, exactly. Let her feel like it's all her idea. Just make it as easy as possible to approach you & you're more likely to make bigger headway faster after she's had time to work thru her little freak outs.


Congrats & good job letting her go after that initial 30 seconds btw! It's very hard to do when you want to connect so much. But, that's life w/a grey parrot. Their rules. Their time schedule. Their way. Good thing they're worth it!! ")

Edited by birdhouse
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A suggestion.... bribary with fun! Open the cage, play a game with the family in front of her. Ignore her.We noticed within a few days of Sophies arrival, she was on the door. We played the game trouble in front of her everyday, but didn't ask her to comeout. Within a week, she climbed down on her own, climbed up on me. I said " hello", continued to ignore her.She wanted to pop that bubble soooo bad! LOL! I finally told her it was her turn. She was on my wrist and popped the bubble! ( yeah right!) She LOVED it! She wanted to pop the bubble more, but it wasn't my turn anymore. In order to pop the bubble again, she had to " stepup" to the next person whose turn it was. THATS how Sophie learned to stepup to our family. A simple game of trouble. Nancy

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