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Losing a grey


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So very, very glad you've got Greycie back home & safe!! It may have helped that you had her out in the world on a harness before she got out on her own. Helped her cope while she was loose & maybe the reason she responded to you in the dark like that. Terrified birds don't want to call attention to themselves, especially at night. That's the first time I personally can remember anyone reporting a night time recovery. This might even suggest that we stop telling parronts to quit searching after dark.


I think you'll find once Greycie's had a couple of days w/o any scary reminders, some TLC & a full crop, she'll be right as rain. Just keep an eye out just in case she got into anything during her greyt adventure. The parronts, however, usually end up w/the long term trauma. It's just so much heartache to live thru, even w/a happy ending.


I have one of these that I got at a salvage place for a couple of bucks. Obviously a fair number of reviewers don't, but I happen to like mine.




They aren't the greatest quality, but the basic design works pretty well. Once mine dies, I'll cannibalize it, especially the magnets & make a sturdier version. Thought it might give you some ideas to check them out whether you buy or diy.

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It may have helped that you had her out in the world on a harness before she got out on her own. Helped her cope while she was loose & maybe the reason she responded to you in the dark like that. Terrified birds don't want to call attention to themselves, especially at night. That's the first time I personally can remember anyone reporting a night time recovery. This might even suggest that we stop telling parronts to quit searching after dark.


Pretty sure you're correct about it helping that we had her out. One thing we realized yesterday when we went to see the tree again is, it's right on the trail that I take her on bike rides. Not only that, it's nowhere in the direction she flew, which is why I never checked it. I'm pretty convinced that she flew around and saw a spot she recognized and parked herself there in an attempt to reunite with us. Pretty darned amazing these Greys.


Tree in the pic is the one she was in and the trail we're on is the trail we pedal frequently. Probably a good 2+ miles from the spot we saw her fly to.


Checking out 'Greycies Tree' as we now call it!


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What a heart wrenching story! So glad it ended well for you and Greycie. I am so thankful that both my doors going to the outside have fully screened porches which give me an "extra layer" of protection. I'm letting Timber's clip (from when I brought him home) grow out, and the thought of losing him just terrifies me.

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