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Losing a grey


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It happened and it sucks in the worst kind of way. Our Greycie got past two doorways and flew to the horizon without a trace. My wife has had two of her Australian visitors in our house and I have had an inclination to just lock my Greycie up permanently until they are gone. We have her mother and her husband again in September and he's the one I'm most worried about because he takes over the place like it's his own. My least worry, her sister who had her own bird in Australia, was the one who left a doorway wide open and allowed Greycie to slip out and fly into the great unknown.


I've hesitated on posting this because I feel highly irresponsible. I feel absolutely horrible and have had nightmares including an extremely vivid dream of Greycie sitting on my pasture fence calling to me. I woke up bawling at the fact that the dream was so real and realizing that it was only a dream and I couldn't go save her.


This forum is on my button bar so I see a Grey every time I open the browser. Greycie's picture is my Facebook picture. Her picture is also my IM avatar which I constantly use at work. I'm completely surrounded by her image and I'm trying to figure out how I can begin to remove all this as I don't think I can handle getting another grey at least for a few years until I get over this.


So we have posted a hundred full-color and some grey-scale flyers on local 4-way intersections. I had my secretary at work print off over 200 full color flyers that I planned to tape to doorways and intersections.


My wife read online somewhere to search before dawn and after dusk. We've recorded my Jardine's parrot's contact call that I planned to hook up to a portable boom box and play behind my bike in a trailer to see if I can get a response.


The area she flew, I've search the neighborhoods relentlessly, some areas I've been to over ten times.


The advice I've seen, don't ever give up. We never did.


Now for the good news - we found her tonight after only 48 hours but it seems like a month. We found her, after dark, on a path that I never intended to search as it was not the direction we saw her go. We were headed home after an exhausting few hours of calling and searching. My wife stopped to adjust her seat and I heard that tell-tale squeak I know oh so well. I called back and Greycie started contact calling in the dead of night. You cannot imagine the relief at hearing her call to us. Once she knew it was us she wouldn't stop calling. She was planted in a tree in front of a house. My wife went to the doorway to ask permission to try and retrieve our bird but Greycie had other plans - she busted out of the tree in the dark and fluttered down brushing by me and finally landing on my wife. She really really wanted to go home.


We got her home and she was emaciated. It's been hot here but not Texas 110 degree hot. She drank up a storm and ate like a pig. She's now sleeping in her cage that she never really liked. She really wanted to be put to bed tonight. It's amazing the change in her demeanor.


I can't tell you how relieved we are to find her. We held out hope that the mass flyers and the constant searching and calling would pay off and it did. Two days in the wild and Greycie was ready to come home. Time for the cargo netting in the doorways that I've been meaning to put in place. I've learned my lesson on this one.

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I must admit I had a lump in my throat when I first started reading this thread for I was thinking, another lost grey but I read on and she is home again, what a scare that must have been for you all but it just goes to show how quickly it can happen. Poor dear was so thirsty and hungry from her ordeal but expect her to be back to her old self soon and yes lesson learned, welcome home Greycie.

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I can't tell you what a wonderful story this is to read. I thank you for sharing it in detail with us. I have learned a few things from you, I didn't know about the Dusk to Dawn being the best time to search. That is important information to know. Also, PLEASE share with us the cargo netting for the doors. I have 3 fully flighted parrots who want nothing more than to be with me and follow me everywhere. I am in and out of the door alot when I am doing yard work, I had storm doors put on all my doors for added protection, but it isn't enough. I would love to know more the cargo nets.

I have a dear friend who lost his grey as it flew out of an open door when someone was careless, and I am witnessing the heartbreak on a daily basis. It has been a month and a half...:( it gets worse as time goes on, not better. I live in constant fear of losing my birds. I don't ever want to live with that kind of daily pain.

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We learned some valuable lessons - you can never be too careful with a fully-flighted bird. I've resolved to double and triple check her harness every time I put it on her. Doors will be reinforced with cargo netting so there are two layers of protection. It's also a constant reminder to us and visitors to be door aware. I need to figure out a way to secure an open window as occasionally we like to open one and I know she can chew through window screen like nobody's business.


We're going to get moving on the outdoor aviary which will serve as another layer of protection through the back, most often used doorway.


I can't believe how much I anguished over losing her. The first few hours we spent frantically searching and calling. Later that day and into the night despair and depression quickly set in. I'm not one to cry, probably have cried less than a handful of times in the last 20 years. I bawled like a baby multiple times over the last two days. Every little thing I did that reminded me of Greycie, like taking a shower and seeing her handy work in our shower curtain full of holes. Eating and there's no one on my shoulder with her left foot grabbing my ear desperately wanting to share my food. No morning and night singing and terrordactly flights. We woke up the next morning and there was this huge empty hole in our home. Even Raven our Jardine who is Greycie's daytime companion was acting different.


We started searching with the car but it's impossible to see up and the engine noise prevents you from hearing things. I switched to my scooter and it helped cover a lot of ground quickly but still the noise issue, I would have never heard her call had I gone by her - maybe I did a few times and didn't know it. We finally switched to our Townie bicycles as they are dead silent and we can hear everything.


We found her around 9pm - I stayed up on a natural high till 2am this morning. None of us can believe that we found her.


She seems to have regressed back to her baby ways. I haven't seen her beg to be fed like a baby in a few months. That's all she's doing this morning. She will not be placed on her tree - only my or my wife's shoulder will do and she is doing that constant baby cooing. It's cute but I hope it doesn't mean she now will have 'issues'. We're hoping she'll get back to her naughty self soon enough.


We're still debating whether we should clip her or not. She loves to fly around the house. Having her fly to your shoulder and being able to toss her back to her perch from across the house is extremely fun and useful. Everytime we see our Jardine just sit there we wished she could fly too, it's really sad to see a bird that doesn't have the confidence of a flighted bird.


Sorry for the long posts....we just can't believe our luck. So so lucky.

Edited by SterlingSL
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That's made me cry, I'm so pleased she's back home safe and sound, don't blame your self it could happen to any of us however careful we are, bet you have to keep going and checking she really is back, so pleased for you all

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I understand everything you went thru. You don't realize the heartache until you go thru it. I see it, hear it, and life loses all purpose for us parrot owners when a tragedy like this strikes.


I agree you can't be too careful. I make all my visitors enter thru my garage, wait for the garage door to close, then open the door to the house for them to enter. Visitors are careless and don't enter quickly. It only takes a second and they are gone..


I can't tell you how happy I am for you....I am thrilled!! I wouldn't worry about her regression, that is natural. SHe was frightend and very scared. SHe justs needs security, your love and time to heal her emoitions of losing her perfect life..she will be back to her old self once she gets over the shock. Just continue to offer the comfort and reassurance you are. She will feed off of that and relax over time....

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She has missed you so much and is staying close because of the time she spent outside probably frightened by the noises and other creatures outside, she may be like this for a bit before she returns to a more normal self and feeding her like a baby is ok for she probably needs the nourishment.

Please don't clip her, I think she loves flying and if you take the necessary precautions then she should be safe but if they are fully flighted then if an escape does happen they are more apt to be able to get away from predators.

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I know you are very worried that Greycie will adventure out again and believe me I have gone through the clip/no clip scenario. I have my parrots all microchipped in hopes that I can get them back if they are taken to a veterinarian. A person can be prosecuted if they have a micro-chipped pet and do not return same to its rightful owner. I also have a screen on my front door that is always locked. Anyone comes to see me, even if they have a key must be let in. I am that paranoid about my birdies adventuring out. I never open my garage outer door unless my parrots are in their cages or I have closed the garage door into the house. All my windows are screened. My back door has regular curtains on it so that I can open one side and keep the open side curtained. I also have mesh netting outside. Yes, I am very paranoid. The thought of losing one of my babies is huge. I also belong to the Homeagain team so I am immediately e-mailed of any lost pets in my area so that I can keep and eye open/help look for the lost pet. Because my birds are registered with them I can contact Homeagain and they will e-mail everyone in the area to help me find my lost pet. I do also spend time calling my parrots from another room and when they come to me giving them treats in hopes that if they are outside they will come to me for a treat no matter how frightened and scared they are.


Clipped or unclipped is a personal choice, I have done all I can think of to keep my flighted friends safe in our home. I am so delighted that Greycie is now home. God is good.

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I am so glad Greycie is back home. I lost my Peanut once, but only for 6 hours. He too, regressed back. It only lasted a couple of days then he was back to normal. I have noticed and even tested it out, he won't go anywhere near the door now. It has been at least 3 years since it happened and he still won't go near the door. Maybe Greycie will hate the door too.

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Here's a picture we had on one of her wanted posters. This picture was taken the morning before she flew away. When my daughter had made up the posters and showed them to me to see if they are what I wanted - this photo caused some serious heart ache. When I was hanging them around town, I refused to look at them because of the pain they caused.


The picture is just so cute. She was posing for a picture for Christine (the lady who let her fly out the door) and we were showing her how we ride around on the Townie bike. I had just given her a big smooch and she shook and fluffed up like she always does.


Thankfully, I can now look at the pictures and enjoy them again. We stuffed a few copies of the various posters away in my keepsake box.



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