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Storm flew into the kitchen today, he didn't know I moved his boing for a minute and he landed on the floor by counter...he left this behind http://s7.photobucket.com/user/beaniebabysmommy/media/feather1_zps618f1091.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0


He then flew into the kitchen again and he left another one http://s7.photobucket.com/user/beaniebabysmommy/media/feather2_zpsc93a2f0c.jpg.html?sort=3&o=1


I know he is supposed to lose feathers but I didn't think it was supposed to happen this way, I just kinda thought they would fall out on their own. I am pretty sure they are not plucked as they are fully intact but the ends might look a little ratty to me (do they to you as well?), they are completely hollow at the other end so not blood or broken feathers. But 2x in one day he loses them flying???? normal and I am just nervous or not normal and I should take him to the vet tomorrow? for what its worth he does have a few (less then 20) downy feathers around the house, but he isn't losing them they way I expected..when Echo molted, it was VERY obvious, feathers EVERYWHERE and with him they shook out, not knocked out, I wasn't sure how he could have any left on his little green body. But it isn't like that with Storm at all.....


Do grey's molt differently than other parrots??

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Yikes! Even though I have had Sophie forever i'm not a feather expert as Sophie never chewed her feathers or showed me a molt.BUT...I have had her for 13 years,and if I saw two feathers in such a short period of time, it would make me watch her closer. How is preening going, how is flying, and how is diet and general happiness and socialization with rest of animal kingdom. Those would be my own personal questions. If I was furthur concerned, to the vet.If your not seeing excessive preening, just monitor Storms activity. And Yes.... they do molt differently. Nancy

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Storm is so very well socialized, he eats a well rounded diet harrisons pellets as well as fresh foods, he isn't acting any different and seems quite happy. He preens himself for sure, he isn't obsessive or overly neurotic about it though

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I would relax. I have had my tag and cag for almost 8 years. My cag will lose festhers that way. Sometimes 2 or 3 in a day usually left behind somewhere as she flies off. It is normal and unless she loses a lot and ends up looking bald, I wouldn't worry about it. They are all different, and that seems normal for my cag.

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When one of my greys looses a flight feather I know I will be finding another one just like it if I look. They have to stay balanced for good flying so if one is lost on one side there is normal a loss shortly on the other side for good flying balance. We certainly don't want them flying about in circles!!

Edited by luvparrots
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Very normal with my 2. They do come out in twos, sometimes we find both sometimes not. After a year and half, i am still finding Bongos trimmed feathers from when we brought him home too. He is flighted now so i often wonder where they keep coming from! Any more nothing is shocking me in this bird house!

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as others have said tend to come out in pairs, I get so excited when Alfie drops a flight feather means his getting his big boy ones in place, is anyone else as daft as me I keep them all in a little pot!!! why? I really don't know

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You mods are nuts! Smart, reliable and collect your birds feathers! LOL! I only find one here and there, but I don't keep tract.Maybe thats why my birds go crazy flying in circles around the house. Kitchen in the center of house, family and livingroom opposite sides. They go crazy flying in circles threw lower half of house. Usually Sophie chasing kiki in flight. LOL Nancy

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Sometimes those feathers are ready to come out but just needs to be loosened up a bit and flying accomplishes that so therefore you found them, they definitely weren't blood feathers so unless you see lots more like that there is nothing to worry about.

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