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Hi, It's me Phoenix


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Well, Mommy won and my name is now Phoenix. Daddy said it grew on him so he likes it too. Mommy took me to see this really nice man today. She said he's a Dr. that takes care of birdies like me. He said I was VERY healthy and very well socialized because I was very comfortable being held on my back by him and this nice lady that was there with him. He stuck something in my mouth which I didn't like too much and then they put some of my droppings on this big long stick with white fluffy stuff on the end. Now why in the world would they want THAT? The lady left and came back and said my results were really good and that my bacteria levels were really low especially considering I'm still being hand fed. He said I weight 277 grams. Mommy called me her Big Boy and I fluffed up my feathers for her. Now I am going to take a little nap because it's been a busy morning.

  • Haha 2
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You are a very smart young bird to get to the Dr. so fast. You will live better and longer because of it - even if you don't understand all they do! LOL So glad you came away with such a great report. Now all you have to do is train those two humans!

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