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Thane Update :-)


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I just wanted to update everyone on Thane, I haven't lost my picture enthusiasm just my cell reception! I have so many pics of Thane on my phone but I just moved and my new house does not get enough bars to post pics.


He is doing great, still at the pet store (a little bummed that he's still weaning). But I know its a process and each bird has their own time. The lady at the pet store says that he is bigger then his brother and sister. His sister just went home last time I visited. I am still bringing him veggies when I visit, I am hoping that he will start eating more solids!


He is still a sweet heart :-). He is also apparently a noise maker lol they tell me that he is always whistling and beeping. I can't wait to get m little guy home!

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It sounds like he may be bigger boned than his siblings and that could factor in why he is taking longer to wean but he is still well within the range of normal so not to worry as he will be home with you soon enough, glad to hear he is doing just fine.

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My Sterling Gris is a big guy weighs in at 505g last time I checked. He was 5 months old when I brought him home still eating an evening spoon fed formula although he also ate regular foods (nuts, pellets, etc.) He lasted about 2 evening at my house and then just refused another bite. He still eats like a horse and he was 2 in March. Being patient is the hardest part but greys are so worth the effort.

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Aww, cute photo. I remember the wait for Dayo when we started visiting the breeder when he was just 6 weeks old. It seemed like an eternity before we could bring him home. I'll bet you are shocked at just how fast they grow. Each time you visit they are bigger. :)

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